{"version":3,"sources":["webpack://@xivanalysis/client/./locale/en/messages.json"],"names":[],"mappings":"wIAAA","file":"assets/i18n-1-raw.b7684a7d.js","sourcesContent":["export default \"{\\n \\\"ast.about.description-1\\\": \\\"The biggest <0/> to an Astrologian is their ability to buff their party DPS with Arcanum. This analyzer will show you how the stars work for you and not the other way around\\\",\\n \\\"ast.about.description-2\\\": \\\"\\\\nPlaying any healer requires you to carefully manage your MP and cooldowns to efficiently keep your party alive. If you plan out your heals and communicate with your co-healer, you will naturally end up putting out more DPS with the extra GCDs gained.\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"ast.about.description.warning.development\\\": \\\"There's still lots more work to be done for this tool to be comprehensive! If you have a suggestion for what is worth tracking please pop by our Discord channel!\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.explanation\\\": \\\"This section keeps track of every card action made during the fight, and the state of the spread after each action.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.footnote\\\": \\\"* No pre-pull actions are being represented aside from <0/>, and this is only an approximation based on the buff duration.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.latest-action\\\": \\\"Lastest Action\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.pull\\\": \\\"Pull\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.spread-state\\\": \\\"Spread State\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.target\\\": \\\"Target\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.messages.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.scroll-to-top-button\\\": \\\"Jump to start of Arcana Logs\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-suggestions.title\\\": \\\"Arcana Logs\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-tracking.divination.playertarget\\\": \\\"Players Buffed:\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-tracking.messages.death\\\": \\\"Death\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-tracking.title\\\": \\\"Arcana Tracking\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-undraw-usage.suggestions.content\\\": \\\"Due to Draw starting its cooldown the moment it's used, there is no longer any reason to <0/> instead of playing it or converting it with <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.arcana-undraw-usage.suggestions.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# instance} other {# instances}} of using undraw.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.celestial-intersection.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> more frequently. Frequent uses can heal or mitigate a large amount of damage over the course of a fight, potentially resulting in fewer required healing GCDs.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.celestial-intersection.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"About {usesMissed} uses of <0/> were missed by holding it for at least a total of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.celestial-opposition.suggestion.content.diurnal\\\": \\\"Use <0/> more frequently. In <1/>, the heal and regen combined add up to the same potency of a <2/> on each player it reaches. Trusting the regens to top off the party HP will save MP and GCDs on healing.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.celestial-opposition.suggestion.content.noct\\\": \\\"Use <0/> more frequently. In <1/>, the shield is the same potency as from <2/>, so it can save MP and GCDs casting it. Since shields last 30 seconds it can be cast much earlier than incoming damage and allow the cooldown to refresh sooner.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.celestial-opposition.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"About {missedUses} uses of <0/> were missed by holding it for at least a total of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.dots.requirement.uptime.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"ast.dots.rule.description\\\": \\\"Combust III makes up a good portion of your damage. Aim to keep this DoT up at all times. It also can be used to weave (<0/>) and manage cards, or maneuver around without dropping GCD uptime.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.dots.rule.name\\\": \\\"Keep your DoT up\\\",\\n \\\"ast.dots.suggestion.clip.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> significantly before it expires.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.dots.suggestion.clip.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} seconds of <0/> per minute lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.description\\\": \\\"Playing cards will let you collect seals for <0/> and contribute to party damage.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.description.draws\\\": \\\"Obtained from <0/>:\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.description.prepull\\\": \\\"Prepared before pull:\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.description.sleeve-draws\\\": \\\"Obtained from <0/>:\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.description.total\\\": \\\"Total cards obtained:\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Play as many cards as possible\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uses\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.draw-no-usage.content\\\": \\\"No uses of <0/> at all.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.draw-no-usage.why\\\": \\\"No draws used.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.draw-uses.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> as soon as its available to maximize both MP regen and the number of cards played.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.draw-uses.why\\\": \\\"About {drawsMissed, plural, one {# use} other {# uses}} of <0/> were missed by holding it for at least a total of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.sleeve-no-usage.content\\\": \\\"No uses of <0/> at all.<1/> should be paired with every other <2/> to stack buffs at the same time. <3/> can be used to weave card abilities.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.sleeve-no-usage.why\\\": \\\"No sleeve draws were used.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.sleeve-uses.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> more frequently. It should be paired with every other <1/> to stack buffs at the same time. <2/> can be used to weave card abilities.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.suggestions.sleeve-uses.why\\\": \\\"About {sleevesMissed, plural, one { # use} other {# uses}} of <0/> were missed by holding it for at least a total of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.draw.title\\\": \\\"Draw\\\",\\n \\\"ast.earthly-star.suggestion.missed-use.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> more frequently. It may save a healing GCD and results in more damage output.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.earthly-star.suggestion.missed-use.why\\\": \\\"About {usesMissed} uses of Earthly Star were missed by holding it for at least a total of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.earthly-star.suggestion.uncooked.content\\\": \\\"Plan your <0/> placements so that it's always cooked enough for the full potency when you need it.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.earthly-star.suggestion.uncooked.why\\\": \\\"{earlyBurstCount, plural, one {# detonation} other {# detonations}} of an uncooked Earthly Star.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.earthly-star.title\\\": \\\"Earthly Star\\\",\\n \\\"ast.horoscope.suggestion.expired.content\\\": \\\"<0/> does not activate by itself, so don't forget to use it again or it will expire for no potency.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.horoscope.suggestion.expired.why\\\": \\\"{missedActivations, plural, one {# expiration} other {# expirations}} of Horoscope without reading fortunes again.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.horoscope.suggestion.usage.content\\\": \\\"Try to plan your <0/> usages to have it up before you need to cast <1/> or <2/>.<3/> may help to cover more damage later without needing to cast more AOE heals.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.horoscope.suggestion.usage.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# AOE GCD heal was cast} other {# AOE GCD heals were cast}} without horoscope even though it was available.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.horoscope.title\\\": \\\"Horoscope\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.messages.explanation\\\": \\\"The main use of <0/> should be for weaving card actions during <1/> and <2/> windows.<3/>It can also be used for keeping casts up while on the move and other specific scenarios.<4/>Each fight calls for a different strategy, but try to utilize it as much as possible.<5/>Unless it's being used for <6/>, lightspeed can fit at least 6 GCDs.<7/>\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.messages.explanation.pre5_3\\\": \\\"The main use of <0/> should be for weaving card actions during <1/> and <2/> windows.<3/>It can also be used for MP savings on heavy healing segments, keeping casts up while on the move and other specific scenarios.<4/>Each fight calls for a different strategy, but try to utilize it as much as possible.<5/>Unless it's being used for <6/>, lightspeed should fit at least 6 GCDs.<7/>\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.messages.no-casts\\\": \\\"There were no casts recorded for <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.messages.num-casts\\\": \\\"There were a total of {actualCasts} out of a possible {totalPossibleCasts} <0/> casts noted.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.rotation-table.header.gcd-count\\\": \\\"GCDs\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.rotation.mp-saved\\\": \\\"MP saved\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lightspeed.title\\\": \\\"Lightspeed\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lucid-dreaming.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Try to keep <0/> on cooldown for better MP management.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.lucid-dreaming.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"{usesMissed, plural, one {# use} other {# uses}} of Lucid Dreaming {usesMissed, plural, one {was} other {were}} missed by holding it for at least a total of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.ogcd-downtime.divination.description\\\": \\\"<0/> provides Astrologian with a strong amount of raid DPS when stacked together with arcanum. Damage percentage bonuses stack multiplicatively, so it's most optimal to stack it with cards from <1/>. Try to time the usage to match raid buffs and high output phases of other party members - it's more important to use it on time rather than hold it in an attempt to have 3 different seals.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.ogcd-downtime.divination.name\\\": \\\"Use Divination\\\",\\n \\\"ast.overheal.earthlystar.name\\\": \\\"Earthly Star\\\",\\n \\\"ast.overheal.hot.name\\\": \\\"Healing over Time\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sect.info\\\": \\\"The choice of Sect boils down to the content being played, group composition and player preference.<0/><1/> provides more potency per heal from regens, and is most effective in dungeons and 8-man content if damage taken does not exceed maximum HP.<2/><3/> is essential if shields are necessary for survival that <4/> cannot cover. Noct shields cannot be stacked with Scholar's and is not recommended when healing alongside one.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sect.info.no-sect-detected\\\": \\\"No sect detected\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sect.suggestions.no-sect.content\\\": \\\"Don't start without <0/> or <1/>. There are several abilities that can't be used without one of these stances.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sect.suggestions.no-sect.why\\\": \\\"There was no sect detected at the start of the fight or the sect was applied right before the fight began. In the case where a sect was applied right before the fight began, an Astrologian risks shifting a GCD or being unprepared for the start of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sect.suggestions.noct-with-sch.content\\\": \\\"It is counter-productive to use this Sect with this composition. The main shields <0/> from <1/> do not stack with Scholar's main shield <2/>.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sect.suggestions.noct-with-sch.why\\\": \\\"Nocturnal Sect was used with a Scholar in the party.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sleeve-draw.checklist.description\\\": \\\"More Sleeve Draw uses mean more cards, and we want as many of those as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sleeve-draw.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Use Sleeve Draw frequently\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sleeve-draw.checklist.requirement.uses.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uses\\\",\\n \\\"ast.sleeve-draw.title\\\": \\\"Sleeve Draw\\\",\\n \\\"ast.synastry.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> if you need to cast a single-target GCD heal. The GCD heal itself is already an efficiency loss, so it's better to make it as strong as possible if Synastry is not needed soon.\\\",\\n \\\"ast.synastry.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# single-target GCD heal was cast} other {# single-target GCD heals were cast}} without synastry even though it was available.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.about.description\\\": \\\"This analyser aims to identify how you're not actually casting <0/> as much as you think you are.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.astral-fire\\\": \\\"Astral Fire\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.astral-timer\\\": \\\"Astral Fire Timer\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.astral-umbral\\\": \\\"Astral Fire and<0>Umbral Ice\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.polyglot\\\": \\\"Polyglot\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.polyglot-timer\\\": \\\"Polyglot Timer\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.umbral-hearts\\\": \\\"Umbral Hearts\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.umbral-ice\\\": \\\"Umbral Ice\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.resource.umbral-timer\\\": \\\"Umbral Ice Timer\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.suggestions.dropped-enochian.content\\\": \\\"Dropping <0/> may lead to lost <1/> or <2/> casts, more clipping because of additional <3/> casts, unavailability of <4/> and <5/> or straight up missing out on the 15% damage bonus that <6/> provides.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.suggestions.dropped-enochian.why\\\": \\\"<0/> was dropped {droppedEno, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.suggestions.lost-polyglot.content\\\": \\\"You lost Polyglot due to dropped <0/>. <1/> and <2/> are your strongest GCDs, so always maximize their casts.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.suggestions.lost-polyglot.why\\\": \\\"{lostPolyglot, plural, one {# Polyglot stack was} other {# Polyglot stacks were}} lost.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.suggestions.overwritten-polyglot.content\\\": \\\"You overwrote Polyglot due to not casting <0/> or <1/> for 30s after gaining a second stack. <2/> and <3/> are your strongest GCDs, so always maximize their casts.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.suggestions.overwritten-polyglot.why\\\": \\\"<0/> got overwritten {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Gauge\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.trigger.no-eno-b4\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast while <1/> was deemed inactive.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.trigger.no-eno-despair\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast while <1/> was deemed inactive.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.trigger.no-eno-f4\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast while <1/> was deemed inactive.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.gauge.trigger.no-stack-eno\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast without any Astral Fire or Umbral Ice stacks detected.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.leylines.checklist\\\": \\\"Try to avoid leaving your <0/> after placing them. Take advantage of <1/>' size to stay in them while dodging AOEs and being in range of healers. If you can't stay in them for the majority of a <2/>' duration, consider changing where they're placed in the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.leylines.checklist-caption\\\": \\\"Stay in your <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"blm.leylines.timelinelink-button\\\": \\\"Jump to Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"blm.leylines.timestamp-header\\\": \\\"Timestamp\\\",\\n \\\"blm.leylines.title\\\": \\\"Ley Lines\\\",\\n \\\"blm.leylines.uptime-header\\\": \\\"Uptime\\\",\\n \\\"blm.notcasting.duration-header\\\": \\\"Duration\\\",\\n \\\"blm.notcasting.timelinelink-button\\\": \\\"Jump to Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"blm.notcasting.timestamp-header\\\": \\\"Timestamp\\\",\\n \\\"blm.notcasting.title\\\": \\\"Times you did literally nothing\\\",\\n \\\"blm.ogcd-downtime.ogcd-cd-metric\\\": \\\"Always make sure to use your OGCDs when they are up but don't clip them. Utilize your procs or fast Blizzard IIIs or Fire IIIs to weave them. To account for random factors you are given a buffer of {0} seconds per instance to hold your cooldowns.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.procs.suggestions.dropped-f3ps.content\\\": \\\"You lost at least one <0/> proc by allowing <1/> to expire without using it.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.procs.suggestions.dropped-f3ps.why\\\": \\\"{droppedFireStarters, plural, one {# Firestarter proc} other {# Firestarter procs}} expired.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.procs.suggestions.dropped-t3ps.content\\\": \\\"You lost at least one <0/> proc by allowing <1/> to expire without using it.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.procs.suggestions.dropped-t3ps.why\\\": \\\"{droppedThunderClouds, plural, one {# Thundercloud proc} other {# Thundercloud procs}} expired.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.died\\\": \\\"<0/> Died\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.dropped-enochian\\\": \\\"Dropped <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.extra-f1\\\": \\\"Extra <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.extra-t3\\\": \\\"Extra <0/>s\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.manafont-before-despair\\\": \\\"<0/> used before <1/>\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.missing-despair\\\": \\\"Missing one or more <0/>s\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.missing-fire4s\\\": \\\"Missing one or more <0/>s\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.no-fire-spells\\\": \\\"Rotation included no Fire spells\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.should-skip-b4\\\": \\\"Should skip <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.error-messages.should-skip-t3\\\": \\\"Should skip hardcast <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.rotation-table.disclaimer\\\": \\\"This module assumes you are following the standard BLM playstyle.<0/>If you are following a non-standard playstyle, this report and many of the suggestions may not be applicable.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.rotation-table.header.reason\\\": \\\"Why Outlier\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.rotation-table.message\\\": \\\"The core of BLM consists of six <0/>s and one <1/> per rotation (seven <2/>s and two <3/>s with <4/>).<5/>Avoid missing Fire IV casts where possible.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.end-with-despair.content\\\": \\\"Once you can no longer cast another spell in Astral Fire and remain above 800 MP, you should use your remaining MP by casting <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.end-with-despair.why\\\": \\\"{astralFiresMissingDespairs, plural, one {# Astral Fire phase was} other {# Astral Fire phases were}} missing at least one <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.extra-f1s.content\\\": \\\"Casting more than one <0/> per Astral Fire cycle is a crutch that should be avoided by better pre-planning of the encounter.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.extra-f1s.why\\\": \\\"You cast an extra <0/> {extraF1s, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.icemage.content\\\": \\\"Avoid spending significant amounts of time in Umbral Ice. The majority of your damage comes from your Astral Fire phase, so you should maximize the number of <0/>s cast during the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.icemage.why\\\": \\\"{rotationsWithoutFire, plural, one {# rotation was} other {# rotations were}} performed with no fire spells.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.mf-before-despair.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> before <1/> leads to fewer <2/>s than possible being cast. Try to avoid that since <3/> is stronger than <4/>.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.mf-before-despair.why\\\": \\\"<0/> was used before <1/> {manafontsBeforeDespair, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.should-skip-b4.content\\\": \\\"You lost at least one <0/> by not skipping <1/> in an Umbral Ice phase before the fight finished or a phase transition occurred.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.should-skip-b4.why\\\": \\\"You should have skipped <0/> {shouldSkipB4s, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.should-skip-t3.content\\\": \\\"You lost at least one <0/> by hard casting <1/> before the fight finished or a phase transition occurred.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.should-skip-t3.why\\\": \\\"You should have skipped <0/> {shouldSkipT3s, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.uptime-souls.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when there is a target available to hit with a damaging ability. <1/> does no damage and prevents you from using other GCD skills. It should be reserved for downtime.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.uptime-souls.why\\\": \\\"<0/> was performed during uptime {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.wrong-t3.content\\\": \\\"Don't hard cast more than one <0/> in your Astral Fire phase, since that costs MP which could be used for more <1/>s.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.suggestions.wrong-t3.why\\\": \\\"<0/> was hard casted under Astral Fire {extraT3s, plural, one {# extra time} other {# extra times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.rotation-watchdog.title\\\": \\\"Rotation Outliers\\\",\\n \\\"blm.sharpcast.statistic.info\\\": \\\"The number of Sharpcasts used versus the number of possible Sharpcast uses. Less than 100% is generally expected, but especially low usage could indicate misuse of the cooldown.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.sharpcast.statistic.title\\\": \\\"Used Sharpcasts\\\",\\n \\\"blm.sharpcast.suggestions.dropped-sharpcasts.content\\\": \\\"You lost at least one guaranteed <0/> or <1/> proc by allowing <2/> to fall off.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.sharpcast.suggestions.dropped-sharpcasts.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Sharpcast} other {# Sharpcasts}} expired.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.sharpcast.suggestions.sharpcasted-scathes.content\\\": \\\"You consumed at least one <0/> by using <1/>. While it's better than letting the buff expire, you should try to avoid doing so.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.sharpcast.suggestions.sharpcasted-scathes.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Sharpcast was} other {# Sharpcasts were}} consumed by <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.applied\\\": \\\"Applied\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.checklist.dots.description\\\": \\\"Your <0/> DoT contributes significantly to your overall damage, both on its own, and from additional <1/> procs. Try to keep the DoT applied.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.checklist.dots.name\\\": \\\"Keep your <0/> DoT up\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.checklist.dots.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.clip\\\": \\\"Clip\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.clip-disclaimer\\\": \\\"Due to the nature of <0/> procs, you will run into situations where you will use your <1/> proc before it runs out, while your <2/> is still running on your enemy. At most, this could theoretically lead to refreshing <3/> a maximum of ~6 seconds early every single refresh. Since this amount of clipping is still considered optimal, we quantify and call this the maximum clip time.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.source\\\": \\\"Source\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.suggestions.excess-thunder.content\\\": \\\"Casting <0/> too frequently can cause you to lose DPS by casting fewer <1/>. Try not to cast <2/> unless your <3/> DoT or <4/> proc are about to wear off. Check the <5><6/> module for more information.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.suggestions.excess-thunder.why\\\": \\\"Total DoT clipping exceeded the maximum clip time of {0} by {1}.\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.title\\\": \\\"Thunder\\\",\\n \\\"blm.thunder.total-clip\\\": \\\"Total Clip\\\",\\n \\\"blu.about.description\\\": \\\"This is a limited analyzer for a limited job. It's not ready yet, but please look forward to it.\\\\n\\\\nThis analyzer will focus on DoTs, uptime, and proper usage of [~action/BRISTLE],[~action/MOON_FLUTE], and [~action/SURPANAKHA].\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"blu.about.description.warning\\\": \\\"This module is under development and not yet ready for the public.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.apex.suggestions.bad.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> without a sufficient amount of Soul Voice.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.apex.suggestions.bad.why\\\": \\\"Apex Arrow dealt very low damage {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.apex.suggestions.ghost.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when the target is about to disappear.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.apex.suggestions.ghost.why\\\": \\\"Apex Arrow ghosted and dealt no damage {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.apex.title\\\": \\\"Apex Arrow\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.checklist.aligned-barrage\\\": \\\"{barrageAL}s aligned with <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.checklist.dealt-damage\\\": \\\"{barrageAL}s that dealt damage\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.checklist.default-name\\\": \\\"Barrage usage\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.checklist.description\\\": \\\"As Bard's strongest damage cooldown, make sure you get the most out of your {barrageAL} casts. More details in the {moduleLink} module below.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.checklist.granted-refulgent\\\": \\\"{barrageAL}s that granted <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.checklist.used-on-refulgent\\\": \\\"{barrageAL}s used on <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.no-barrage-checklist.description\\\": \\\"{barrageAL} into <0/> is Bard's strongest damage cooldown. Make sure to use it during a fight.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.no-barrage-checklist.name\\\": \\\"No Barrage usage\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.no-barrage-checklist.no-barrage-cast\\\": \\\"{barrageAL}s cast\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.table.header.aligned\\\": \\\"Aligned with <0/>?\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.table.header.dealt-damage\\\": \\\"Dealt Damage?\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.table.header.granted-refulgent\\\": \\\"Granted <0/>?\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.table.header.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.table.header.used-on-refulgent\\\": \\\"Used on <0/>?\\\",\\n \\\"brd.barrage.title\\\": \\\"Barrage\\\",\\n \\\"brd.dots.checklist.description\\\": \\\"Most of Bard's DPS comes either directly or indirectly from <0/> and <1/>. Make sure you have these skills applied on the target at all times. Use <2/> to refresh the timer on the Damage over Time (DoT) debuff.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.dots.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep your DoTs up\\\",\\n \\\"brd.dots.checklist.requirement.caustic\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"brd.dots.checklist.requirement.storm\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"brd.dots.suggestion.clip.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> and <1/> significantly before they expire.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.dots.suggestion.clip.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} of DoTs clipped every minute.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-max-stacks\\\": \\\"<0/> should only be used below 3 stacks when you know there are no more DoT ticks left until the end of <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-max-stacks.potency-lost\\\": \\\"<0>{0} potency lost versus casting at max stacks\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-max-stacks.reason\\\": \\\"<0/> potency is {0} at the first stack, {1} at the second, and {2} at the third and final stack, so you don't want to use it before the last one.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-max-stacks.time-left\\\": \\\"<0>{0} left on <1/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-max-stacks.title\\\": \\\"{0} used at {1, plural, one {# stack} other {# stacks}}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-stacks\\\": \\\"Before <0/> ends, you should make sure to use <1/> regardless of the amount of stacks you have.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-stacks.reason\\\": \\\"Any left over stack is lost when your song ends, so using whatever stacks you have before it ends is always a gain.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-stacks.suggestion\\\": \\\"Use {0} at <0>3 stacks. Only use it at <1>2 or less stacks when there are no more DoT ticks before <2/> ends.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.cast-without-stacks.suggestion.reason\\\": \\\"{badPPs, plural, one {# cast} other {# casts}} of {0} with the wrong amount of stacks.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.estimate-note\\\": \\\"<0>NOTE: We do not have access to how many unused stacks you had at the end of {0}, these are times you might have had some.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.no-cast-at-end.suggestion\\\": \\\"Use any stacks you have of {0} after there are no more DoT ticks before <0/> ends.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.no-cast-at-end.suggestion.reason\\\": \\\"You might have missed up to {missedPPs, plural, one {# cast} other {# casts}} of {0}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.no-cast-at-end.total-potency-lost\\\": \\\"<0/> You might have lost between <1>{0} to {1} potency from missing casts at the end of <2/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.not-cast-at-end.potency-lost\\\": \\\"<0>{0} to {1} potency potentially lost\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.not-cast-at-end.time-left\\\": \\\"<0>{0} left on <1/> after the last cast of <2/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.not-cast-at-end.title\\\": \\\"{0} might have been usable before the end of {1}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.title\\\": \\\"Pitch Perfect\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.trigger.no-wm-cast\\\": \\\"<0/> was used when there was no cast of <1/> before hand.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.pitch-perfect.without-max-stacks.total-potency-lost\\\": \\\"<0/> Casting without max stacks lost you a total of <1>{0} potency\\\",\\n \\\"brd.procs.suggestions.missed.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> whenever you have <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.procs.suggestions.overwritten.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using actions that grant <0/> when you could use <1/> instead.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.rs.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 8 GCDs (9 GCDs with <0/>) during every <1/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.rs.suggestions.trackedactions.content\\\": \\\"One use of <0/> and one use of <1/> should occur during every <2/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.rs.title\\\": \\\"Raging Strikes\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.list.missed-potency\\\": \\\"<0/>Lost {0} potency\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.list.shadowbite.missing-dots\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast with {0, plural, one {only one DoT} other {no DoTs}} applied to the target and {1, plural, one {only hit a single enemy} other {hit # enemies}}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.list.shadowbite.one-target\\\": \\\"<0/> only hit a single enemy.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.list.sidewinder.missing-dots\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast with {0, plural, one {only one DoT} other {no DoTs}} applied to the target.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.suggestion.not-both-dots\\\": \\\"Only use <0/> and <1/> when you have both <2/> and <3/> active on the target. Remember that a DoT doesn't apply as soon as you cast it, so you have to wait for it to apply before casting <4/> or <5/>.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.suggestion.not-both-dots.reason\\\": \\\"{0} potency lost to casts on targets missing DoTs\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.suggestion.single-target-shadowbite\\\": \\\"Only cast <0/> when it will hit multiple targets. Otherwise you lose potency compared to casting <1/> instead.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.suggestion.single-target-shadowbite.reason\\\": \\\"{0} potency lost on single target casts of <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.title\\\": \\\"Sidewinders and Shadowbites\\\",\\n \\\"brd.sidewinder.total-mistakes\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# mistake} other {# mistakes}} lost a total of <0>{1} potency\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.dots\\\": \\\"DoTs\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.snapshotter\\\": \\\"Snapshotter\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.statuses\\\": \\\"Statuses\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.suggestions.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when <1/> and <2/> are not present on the target. These Iron Jaws are highlighted in the {moduleLink} module below.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.suggestions.why\\\": \\\"Iron Jaws was used on a target with at least one missing DoT {badRefreshes, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"brd.snapshots.title\\\": \\\"Snapshots\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.contributors\\\": \\\"Contributors:\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.patch-unsupported.description\\\": \\\"This report was logged during patch {0}, which is not supported by the analyser. Calculations and suggestions may be impacted by changes in the interim.\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.patch-unsupported.title\\\": \\\"Report patch unsupported\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.supported-patches\\\": \\\"Supported Patches:\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.title\\\": \\\"About\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.unsupported.description\\\": \\\"The output shown below will not contain any job-specific analysis, and may be missing critical data required to generate an accurate result.\\\",\\n \\\"core.about.unsupported.title\\\": \\\"This job is currently unsupported\\\",\\n \\\"core.action-timeline.label.gcd\\\": \\\"GCD\\\",\\n \\\"core.actors.resource.hp\\\": \\\"HP\\\",\\n \\\"core.actors.resource.mp\\\": \\\"MP\\\",\\n \\\"core.always-cast.description\\\": \\\"Make sure you're always doing something. It's often better to make small mistakes while keeping the GCD rolling than it is to perform the correct rotation slowly.\\\",\\n \\\"core.always-cast.gcd-uptime\\\": \\\"GCD Uptime\\\",\\n \\\"core.always-cast.title\\\": \\\"Always be casting\\\",\\n \\\"core.analyse.see-more\\\": \\\"See more\\\",\\n \\\"core.analyse.view-on-fflogs\\\": \\\"View report on FF Logs\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.aoe-ability\\\": \\\"AoE Action Used\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.min-targets\\\": \\\"Minimum Targets\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.number-bad-usages\\\": \\\"Incorrect Usages\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.st-alternative\\\": \\\"Single Target Alternative\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using AoE actions when they would do less damage than an alternative single-target action that shares a resource cost or cooldown. If the AoE skill cannot hit enough targets, the single-target action will do more total damage and should be used instead.\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"AoE actions were used against too few targets {totalBadUsages, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"core.aoeusages.title\\\": \\\"Incorrect AoE Action Usage\\\",\\n \\\"core.branch-banner.description\\\": \\\"This version of xivanalysis cannot provide meaningful analysis for reports that were logged during {patchKey}. Please click here to analyse this log using the {patchKey} version of the site.\\\",\\n \\\"core.branch-banner.header\\\": \\\"This report is from a different expansion!\\\",\\n \\\"core.broken-log.broken-log.description\\\": \\\"One or more modules have reported that this log contains inconsistencies that would suggest data is missing or incorrect. While the system does try to maintain sane results in this situation, some statistics may be inaccurate.\\\",\\n \\\"core.broken-log.broken-log.title\\\": \\\"This log is broken.\\\",\\n \\\"core.broken-log.list.module\\\": \\\"Module\\\",\\n \\\"core.broken-log.list.reason\\\": \\\"Reason\\\",\\n \\\"core.broken-log.title\\\": \\\"Broken Log\\\",\\n \\\"core.broken-log.trigger.unknown-action\\\": \\\"One or more actions were recorded incorrectly, and could not be parsed.\\\",\\n \\\"core.buffwindow.suggestions.badgcd.why\\\": \\\"{invalidGCDs, plural, one {# incorrect GCD was} other {# incorrect GCDs were}} used during {0} windows.\\\",\\n \\\"core.buffwindow.suggestions.missedgcd.why\\\": \\\"{missedGCDs, plural, one {# GCD was} other {# GCDs were}} missed during {0} windows.\\\",\\n \\\"core.buffwindow.suggestions.trackedaction.why\\\": \\\"{missedActions, plural, one {# use of a recommended action was} other {# uses of recommended actions were}} missed during {0} windows.\\\",\\n \\\"core.buffwindow.suggestions.trackedbadaction.why\\\": \\\"{badActions, plural, one {# use of} other {# uses of}} actions that should be avoided during {0} windows.\\\",\\n \\\"core.buffwindow.table.header.gcds\\\": \\\"GCDs\\\",\\n \\\"core.changelog.title\\\": \\\"Changelog\\\",\\n \\\"core.checklist.title\\\": \\\"Checklist\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.content\\\": \\\"<0>Avoid breaking combos, as failing to complete combos costs you a significant amount of DPS and important secondary effects.<1>Using a combo GCD at the wrong combo step, using non-combo GCDs while inside a combo, missing, or attacking a target that is invulnerable will cause your combo to break.\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.issuetypenames.combobreak\\\": \\\"Broken Combo\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.issuetypenames.failed\\\": \\\"Missed or Invulnerable\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.issuetypenames.timeout\\\": \\\"Expired\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.issuetypenames.uncomboed\\\": \\\"Uncomboed\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.title\\\": \\\"Combo Issues\\\",\\n \\\"core.combos.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {You misused # combo action.} other {You misused # combo actions.}}\\\",\\n \\\"core.cooldownDowntime.ogcd-cd-metric\\\": \\\"Always make sure to use your actions when they are available, but do not clip your GCD to use them.\\\",\\n \\\"core.cooldownDowntime.title\\\": \\\"Cooldown Downtime\\\",\\n \\\"core.cooldownDowntime.use-ogcd-cds\\\": \\\"Use your cooldowns\\\",\\n \\\"core.dblink.loading\\\": \\\"Loading...\\\",\\n \\\"core.deaths.content\\\": \\\"Don't die. Between downtime, lost gauge resources, and resurrection debuffs, dying is absolutely <0>crippling to damage output.\\\",\\n \\\"core.deaths.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, =1 {# death} other {# deaths}}\\\",\\n \\\"core.dummy.broken-log\\\": \\\"One or more actors in this pull appear to be striking dummies. The behaviour of dummy health pools breaks a number of assumptions made by xivanalysis, which can lead to subtly incorrect results.\\\",\\n \\\"core.dummy.title\\\": \\\"Striking Dummy\\\",\\n \\\"core.error.generic\\\": \\\"Looks like something has gone wrong. The code monkies have been notified.\\\",\\n \\\"core.find.refresh\\\": \\\"Refresh\\\",\\n \\\"core.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Gauge\\\",\\n \\\"core.gcd.estimated-gcd\\\": \\\"Estimated GCD\\\",\\n \\\"core.gcd.no-statistics\\\": \\\"Unfortunately, player statistics are not available from FF Logs. As such, the calculated GCD length is an <0>estimate, and may well be incorrect. If it is reporting a GCD length <1>longer than reality, you likely need to focus on keeping your GCD rolling.\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.about.content\\\": \\\"\\\\nxivanalysis is a tool aimed at helping _you_ improve your performance, through both automatic suggestions and metrics. While some metrics are shared across all jobs - seriously, don't die - most are tailored specifically to each job to ensure they are as accurate and useful as possible.\\\\n\\\\nTo do all this, we process data in the form of fight logs, taken from [FF Logs](https://www.fflogs.com/). If you're not already using FF Logs, there are instructions on setting it and ACT (the program that reads data from the game itself) up [here](https://github.com/FFXIV-ACT/setup-guide#readme) and [here](https://www.fflogs.com/client/download).\\\\n\\\\nJust paste your log URL in, and check it out!\\\\n\\\\nIf you have any questions, suggestions, or would just like to have a chat - drop by our discord server, linked in the sidebar.\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.about.link\\\": \\\"What is this?\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.about.title\\\": \\\"About xivanalysis\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.analyse\\\": \\\"Analyse\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.paste-url\\\": \\\"Paste your log URL to get started\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.report-search.invalid-query\\\": \\\"The provided query does not match any of the expected formats.\\\",\\n \\\"core.home.report-search.unknown-query-error\\\": \\\"An unknown error occured when parsing the provided query.\\\",\\n \\\"core.i18n.help-translate\\\": \\\"Help translate!\\\",\\n \\\"core.i18n.hide-overlay\\\": \\\"Hide i18n overlay\\\",\\n \\\"core.i18n.show-overlay\\\": \\\"Show i18n overlay\\\",\\n \\\"core.i18n.translation-error\\\": \\\"An error occured while loading the translation of \\\\\\\"{id}\\\\\\\".\\\",\\n \\\"core.interrupts.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid interrupting casts by either prepositioning yourself or utilizing slidecasting where possible. If you have to move, try to save an instant cast to keep your GCD rolling.\\\",\\n \\\"core.interrupts.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"You missed {0} casts (approximately {1} of total casting time) due to interruption.\\\",\\n \\\"core.interrupts.table.cast\\\": \\\"Cast\\\",\\n \\\"core.interrupts.table.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"core.interrupts.title\\\": \\\"Interrupted Casts\\\",\\n \\\"core.overheal.direct.name\\\": \\\"Direct\\\",\\n \\\"core.overheal.requirement.all\\\": \\\"Overall (all sources)\\\",\\n \\\"core.overheal.rule.description\\\": \\\"Avoid healing your party for more than is needed. Cut back on unnecessary heals and coordinate with your co-healer to plan resources efficiently.\\\",\\n \\\"core.overheal.rule.name\\\": \\\"Avoid Overheal\\\",\\n \\\"core.overheal.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid healing your party for more than is needed. Cut back on unnecessary heals and coordinate with your co-healer to plan resources efficiently.\\\",\\n \\\"core.overheal.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"You had an overheal of {0}%\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.suggestions.dropped.content\\\": \\\"Avoid letting your procs fall off without using them. Proc actions are generally stronger than other actions and should not be wasted.\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.suggestions.dropped.why\\\": \\\"You dropped {0, plural, one {# proc} other {# procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.suggestions.invuln.content\\\": \\\"Try not to use your procs while the boss is invulnerable.\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.suggestions.invuln.why\\\": \\\"You used {0, plural, one {# proc} other {# procs}} on an invulnerable target.\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.suggestions.overwritten.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using an action that could generate a proc when you already have that proc active.\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.suggestions.overwrote.why\\\": \\\"You overwrote {0, plural, one {# proc} other {# procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"core.procs.title\\\": \\\"Procs\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.actor-not-found\\\": \\\"<0>Actor not found.No actor was found with ID \\\\\\\"{actorId}\\\\\\\". If this report has been updated recently, it may have been cached - try pressing Refresh to retrieve the latest data.\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.job-unsupported.description\\\": \\\"We're always looking to expand our support and accuracy. Come drop by our Discord channel and see how you could help out!\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.job-unsupported.title\\\": \\\"Favourite job unsupported?\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.kills-only\\\": \\\"Kills only\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.pull-not-found\\\": \\\"<0>Pull not found.No pull was found with ID \\\\\\\"{pullId}\\\\\\\". If this report has been updated recently, it may have been cached - try pressing Refresh to retrieve the latest data.\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.refresh\\\": \\\"Refresh\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.report-not-found\\\": \\\"<0>Report not found.No report data was found for \\\\\\\"{url}\\\\\\\".\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.supported-patches\\\": \\\"Patch {from}{0}\\\",\\n \\\"core.report-flow.view-report\\\": \\\"View report on {0}\\\",\\n \\\"core.resource-graphs.gauge-label\\\": \\\"Gauges\\\",\\n \\\"core.resource-graphs.resource-value\\\": \\\"{label}: {current,number} / {maximum,number}\\\",\\n \\\"core.resource-graphs.row-label\\\": \\\"Resources\\\",\\n \\\"core.role.developer\\\": \\\"Developer\\\",\\n \\\"core.role.maintainer\\\": \\\"Maintainer\\\",\\n \\\"core.role.theorycraft\\\": \\\"Theorycraft\\\",\\n \\\"core.statistics.title\\\": \\\"Statistics\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestion.nothing\\\": \\\"There's nothing here!\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestion.nothing-but-minor\\\": \\\"You can check over the minor suggestions by flicking the \\\\\\\"Show minor\\\\\\\" switch in the top right.\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestion.show-minor\\\": \\\"Show minor\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestions.severity.major\\\": \\\"Major\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestions.severity.medium\\\": \\\"Medium\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestions.severity.minor\\\": \\\"Minor\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestions.severity.morbid\\\": \\\"Morbid\\\",\\n \\\"core.suggestions.title\\\": \\\"Suggestions\\\",\\n \\\"core.swiftcast.missed.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Use spells with <0/> before it expires. This allows you to use spells with cast times instantly for movement or weaving.\\\",\\n \\\"core.swiftcast.table.title\\\": \\\"Spell\\\",\\n \\\"core.swiftcast.title\\\": \\\"Swiftcast Actions\\\",\\n \\\"core.timeline.help-text\\\": \\\"Scroll or click+drag to pan, ctrl+scroll or pinch to zoom.\\\",\\n \\\"core.timeline.title\\\": \\\"Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"core.tincture.title\\\": \\\"Tinctures\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.combos-table.header.brokentime\\\": \\\"Broken Time\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.combos-table.header.comboactions\\\": \\\"Combo Actions\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.combos-table.header.combobreaker\\\": \\\"Combo Breaker\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.combos-table.header.reason\\\": \\\"Reason\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.combos-table.header.starttime\\\": \\\"Start Time\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.rotation-table.header.rotation\\\": \\\"Rotation\\\",\\n \\\"core.ui.rotation-table.header.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"core.unable-to-act.no-valid-window\\\": \\\"Actor {0} has no valid window to end.\\\",\\n \\\"core.weaving.between-gcds\\\": \\\"between GCDs\\\",\\n \\\"core.weaving.content\\\": \\\"Avoid weaving more actions than you have time for in a single GCD window. Doing so will delay your next GCD, reducing possible uptime. Check the {0} module below for more detailed analysis.\\\",\\n \\\"core.weaving.panel-count\\\": \\\"{0, plural, =1 {# weave} other {# weaves}}\\\",\\n \\\"core.weaving.title\\\": \\\"Weaving Issues\\\",\\n \\\"core.weaving.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, =1 {# instance of incorrect weaving} other {# instances of incorrect weaving}}\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.about.description\\\": \\\"So, you've become a dancer, but you don't know your Jetes from your Pirouettes? This module will help you learn how to Improvise your way to a standing ovation!\\\\n\\\\nThe core parts of dancer are proper performance of your dances, preventing your gauges from overcapping, and using your procs. We'll provide suggestions to help you use these to their best effect.\\\\n\\\\nIf you would like to learn more about dancer, check out the [comprehensive gameplay guide](https://saltedxiv.com/guides/dnc) by Ringabel Dim.\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.about.description.warning\\\": \\\"Both of dancer's gauges are simulated here, since we don't have exact data available to work from. We've done our best to get it as accurate as we can, and to give you the benefit of the doubt in our suggestions. If you notice anything that looks significantly wrong, please drop by our Discord channel or report a bug on our github repository!\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.checklist.closed-position-buff.description\\\": \\\"Choosing a <0/> will also give them the <1/> and <2/> buffs. Make sure to keep it up at all times except for rare circumstances where a switch is warranted.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.checklist.closed-position-buff.name\\\": \\\"Choose a <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.checklist.standard-finish-buff.description\\\": \\\"Your <0/> buff contributes significantly to your overall damage, and the damage of your <1/> as well. Make sure to keep it up at all times.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.checklist.standard-finish-buff.name\\\": \\\"Keep your <0/> buff up\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.rotation-table.header.dirty\\\": \\\"Correct Finish\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.rotation-table.header.footloose\\\": \\\"No Extra Moves\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.rotation-table.header.missed\\\": \\\"Hit Target\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.rotation-table.message\\\": \\\"One of Dancer's primary responsibilities is buffing the party's damage via dances.<0/>Each dance also contributes to the Dancer's own damage and should be performed correctly.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.dirty-dances.content\\\": \\\"Performing fewer steps than expected reduces the damage of your finishes. Make sure you perform the expected number of steps.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.dirty-dances.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# dance} other {# dances}} finished with missing steps.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.footloose.content\\\": \\\"Performing the wrong steps makes your dance take longer and leads to a loss of DPS uptime. Make sure to perform your dances correctly.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.footloose.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# dance} other {# dances}} finished with extra steps.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.missed-finishers.content\\\": \\\"<0/> and <1/> are a significant source of damage. Make sure you're in range when finishing a dance.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.missed-finishers.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# finish} other {# finishes}} missed.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.standard-drift.content\\\": \\\"You may have lost a use of <0/> by letting the cooldown drift. Try to keep it on cooldown, even if it means letting your GCD sit for a second.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.standard-drift.why\\\": \\\"{driftedStandards, plural, one {# Standard Step was} other {# Standard Steps were}} lost due to drift.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.technical-drift.content\\\": \\\"You may have lost a use of <0/> by letting the cooldown drift. Try to keep it on cooldown, even if it means letting your GCD sit for a second.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.technical-drift.why\\\": \\\"{driftedTechnicals, plural, one {# Technical Step was} other {# Technical Steps were}} lost due to drift.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.zero-standard.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> without completing any steps provides no damage buff to you and your <1/>, which is a core part of the job. Make sure to perform your dances correctly.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.zero-standard.why\\\": \\\"{zeroStandards, plural, one {# Standard Step was} other {# Standard Steps were}} completed with no dance steps.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.zero-technical.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> without completing any steps provides no damage buff to you and your party, which is a core part of the job. Make sure to perform your dances correctly.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.suggestions.zero-technical.why\\\": \\\"{zeroTechnicals, plural, one {# Technical Step was} other {# Technical Steps were}} completed with no dance steps.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.dirty-dancing.title\\\": \\\"Dance Issues\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.esprit.suggestions.overcapped-esprit.content\\\": \\\"You may have lost uses of <0/> due to overcapping your Esprit gauge. Make sure you use it, especially if your gauge is above 80.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.esprit.suggestions.overcapped-esprit.why\\\": \\\"{missedSaberDances, plural, one {# Saber Dance} other {# Saber Dances}} may have been missed.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.feather-gauge.suggestions.overcapped-feathers.content\\\": \\\"You may have lost uses of your <0/>s due to using one of your procs while already holding four feathers. Make sure to use a feather with <1/> or <2/> before using a proc to prevent overcapping.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.feather-gauge.suggestions.overcapped-feathers.why\\\": \\\"{featherOvercap, plural, one {# feather} other {# feathers}} may have been lost.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.gauge.resource.esprit\\\": \\\"Esprit\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.gauge.resource.feathers\\\": \\\"Feathers\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.procs.suggestions.drops.content\\\": \\\"Avoid dropping your procs unless absolutely necessary. If you have to drop one to keep your Esprit from overcapping, <0/> or <1/> will lose the least DPS overall.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.procs.suggestions.overwrite.content\\\": \\\"Avoid overwriting your procs. Your proc actions are stronger than your normal combo, so overwriting them is a significant DPS loss.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.rotation-table.header.buffed\\\": \\\"Players Buffed\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.rotation-table.header.missed\\\": \\\"<0/> On Time?\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.rotation-table.header.pooled\\\": \\\"<0/> Pooled?\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.rotation-table.message\\\": \\\"This log contains <0/> windows that were started or extended by other Dancers.<1/>Use your best judgement about which windows you should be dumping <2/>, Feathers, and Esprit under.<3/>Try to make sure they line up with other raid buffs to maximize damage.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.suggestions.bad-devilments.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> outside of your <1/> windows leads to an avoidable loss in DPS. Aside from certain opener situations, you should be using <2/> at the beginning of your <3/> windows.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.suggestions.bad-devilments.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Devilment} other {# Devilments}} used outside <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.suggestions.late-devilments.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> as early as possible during your <1/> windows allows you to maximize the multiplicative bonuses that both statuses give you. Try to use it within the first two GCDs of your window.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.suggestions.late-devilments.why\\\": \\\"{lateDevilments, plural, one {# Devilment was} other {# Devilments were}} used later than optimal.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.suggestions.unpooled.content\\\": \\\"Pooling your Feathers before going into a <0/> window allows you to use more <1/>s with the multiplicative bonuses active, increasing their effectiveness. Try to build and hold on to at least three feathers between windows.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.suggestions.unpooled.why\\\": \\\"{unpooledWindows, plural, one {# window} other {# windows}} were missing potential <0/>s.\\\",\\n \\\"dnc.technicalities.title\\\": \\\"Technical Windows\\\",\\n \\\"drg.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>This analyzer aims to help you beat the stereotypes, stay off the floor, and dish out some big juicy numbers. As the DRG rotation is pretty strict, the suggestions you see will focus mostly on keeping that rotation flowing smoothly, as well as picking out issues related to your Life of the Dragon windows and buff alignment.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.battlelitany.rotation-table.header.buffed\\\": \\\"Players Buffed\\\",\\n \\\"drg.battlelitany.rotation-table.header.gcd-count\\\": \\\"GCDs\\\",\\n \\\"drg.battlelitany.rotation-table.header.interfered\\\": \\\"No Overlap\\\",\\n \\\"drg.battlelitany.rotation-table.message\\\": \\\"This log contains <0/> windows that interfered with windows started by other Dragoons. Try to make sure that casts of <1/> do not overlap in order to maximize damage.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.battlelitany.title\\\": \\\"Battle Litany\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> is at the heart of the DRG rotation and should be kept up at all times. Without it, your jumps are weakened and you can't use <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.checklist.description.warning\\\": \\\"As Blood of the Dragon is now a gauge instead of a buff, please bear in mind that the numbers here and in the Life of the Dragon windows below are simulated. As such, it may not line up perfectly with reality.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep Blood of the Dragon up\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.delay-buff\\\": \\\"<0/> in {0}\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.delay-explain\\\": \\\"If possible, Life of the Dragon windows should line up with your personal buffs. This window could be delayed to line up with:\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.final-window-explain\\\": \\\"This window would last past the end of the fight and does not count against missing casts of <0/> and <1/> in the Suggestions. The warnings will still be shown for completeness.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.no-buff-stardiver-explain\\\": \\\"You did not use <0/> while buffed during this window.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.no-delay-explain\\\": \\\"This window cannot be delayed due to downtime occurring at {0}. This window would otherwise be delayed for better buff alignment.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.no-nastrond-explain\\\": \\\"You missed one or more uses of <0/> during this window.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.no-stardiver-explain\\\": \\\"You did not use <0/> during this window.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.suggestions.buffed-stardiver\\\": \\\"Try to ensure that <0/> always lands while at least one of <1/>, <2/>, or <3/> is active. Depending on the fight specifics, this may not always be possible. See the Timeline module below for details.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.suggestions.buffsed-stardiver.why\\\": \\\"When <0/> could have been buffed, you used it {noBuffSd, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} without a buff.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.suggestions.eyes.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when you already have {MAX_EYES} Eyes. Wasting Eyes will delay your Life of the Dragon windows and potentially cost you a lot of DPS.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.suggestions.eyes.why\\\": \\\"You used Mirage Dive {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} when you already had {MAX_EYES} Eyes.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.table.action\\\": \\\"Action\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.table.statuses\\\": \\\"Personal Buffs\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.table.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.title\\\": \\\"Life of the Dragon\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.trigger.no-lotd-nastrond\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast while Life of the Dragon was deemed inactive.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.trigger.no-lotd-stardiver\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast while Life of the Dragon was deemed inactive.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.blood.windows.hits\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Nastrond} other {# Nastronds}}, {1, plural, one {# Stardiver} other {# Stardivers}}\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> provides a 10% boost to your personal damage and should always be kept up.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep {0} up\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.suggestions.life-surge.content\\\": \\\"<0/> should be used on <1/>, your highest potency ability, as much as possible. In order to keep <2/> on cooldown, it may sometimes be necessary to use it on a 5th combo hit. In multi-target scenarios, <3/> can be used on <4/> if you hit at least three targets.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.suggestions.life-surge.why\\\": \\\"You used {0} on a non-optimal GCD {1, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.suggestions.solo-ds.content\\\": \\\"Although it doesn't impact your personal DPS, try to always use <0/> on a partner in group content so that someone else can benefit from the damage bonus too.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.suggestions.solo-ds.why\\\": \\\"At least 1 of your Dragon Sight casts didn't have a tether partner.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.buffs.title\\\": \\\"Buffs\\\",\\n \\\"drg.debuffs.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> provides a potent DoT which should be maintained at all times.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.debuffs.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep your debuffs up\\\",\\n \\\"drg.debuffs.checklist.requirement.chaos-thrust.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"drg.debuffs.suggestions.clipping.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> significantly earlier or later than its expiration, as it usually indicates rotational errors. DRG's strict 10-GCD rotation should have you refreshing Chaos Thrust within 2 seconds before or after expiry, depending on your skill speed.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.debuffs.suggestions.clipping.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} seconds of <0/> per minute lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.dragonsight.title\\\": \\\"Dragon Sight\\\",\\n \\\"drg.drift.table.heading-1\\\": \\\"Casts\\\",\\n \\\"drg.drift.table.heading-2\\\": \\\"Drift\\\",\\n \\\"drg.drift.table.heading-3\\\": \\\"Total Drift\\\",\\n \\\"drg.drift.title\\\": \\\"Ability Drift\\\",\\n \\\"drg.ds.notes.drgdied\\\": \\\"You Died\\\",\\n \\\"drg.ds.notes.header\\\": \\\"Short Window Cause\\\",\\n \\\"drg.ds.notes.partnerdied\\\": \\\"Partner Died\\\",\\n \\\"drg.ds.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land at least 8 GCDs during every <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.ds.suggestions.trackedactions.content\\\": \\\"Each <0/> window should contain at least one use each of <1/>, <2/>, <3/>, and <4/>. In order to ensure that these actions fall within the buff window, try to avoid using <5/> after <6/> or <7/>.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.lancecharge.title\\\": \\\"Lance Charge\\\",\\n \\\"drg.lc.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land at least 8 GCDs during every <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.lc.suggestions.trackedactions.content\\\": \\\"Each <0/> window should contain at least one use each of <1/>, <2/>, <3/>, and <4/>. In order to ensure that these actions fall within the buff window, try to avoid using <5/> after <6/> or <7/>.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.analysis.missed\\\": \\\"<0/> You missed <1>{missed} of <2>{0} possible <3/> procs.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.analysis.truenorth\\\": \\\"Of these missed procs, <0>{withTn} could be handled with <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.suggestions.content\\\": \\\"Performing the proper positionals for <0/> and <1/> will do more damage and let you use <2/>. Try to land these positionals, and use <3/> if it's available.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.suggestions.why\\\": \\\"You missed {missed, plural, one {# proc} other {# procs}} of Raiden Thrust.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.table.procact\\\": \\\"Action\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.table.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.table.title\\\": \\\"Missed Positionals\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.table.truenorth\\\": \\\"True North Status\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.title\\\": \\\"Positionals\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.tn-charges\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# charge} other {# charges}}\\\",\\n \\\"drg.positionals.trigger.negative-true-north\\\": \\\"<0/> was cast without any remaining charges detected.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.procs.suggestions.extenders.content\\\": \\\"Avoid interrupting your combos at the <0/> and <1/> stages, as it causes you to lose the procs that allow you to cast them, costing you both the cast and the <2/> duration that comes with it.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.procs.suggestions.extenders.why\\\": \\\"You dropped {droppedFang, plural, one {# Fang and Claw proc} other {# Fang and Claw procs}} and {droppedWheeling, plural, one {# Wheeling Thrust proc} other {# Wheeling Thrust procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.procs.suggestions.mirage-dropped.content\\\": \\\"Avoid letting your <0/> procs fall off, as it can delay your Life of the Dragon windows and potentially cost you a lot of DPS.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.procs.suggestions.mirage-dropped.why\\\": \\\"You dropped {droppedMirage, plural, one {# Mirage Dive proc} other {# Mirage Dive procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.suggestions.nastrond.content\\\": \\\"Each Life of the Dragon window should contain 3 <0/> uses.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.suggestions.nastrond.why\\\": \\\"{noFullNsLife} of your Life of the Dragon windows were missing one or more <0/> uses.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.suggestions.stardiver.content\\\": \\\"Each Life of the Dragon window should contain 1 <0/> use.\\\",\\n \\\"drg.suggetions.stardiver.why\\\": \\\"{noLifeSd} of your Life of the Dragon windows were missing a <0/> use.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>This analyzer aims to help you unleash your inner edge. The core of Dark Knight offense focuses on maximizing blood and MP utilization, in raid buff windows where available. In addition, you should aim to land five hits in each Blood Weapon and Delirium window.<1>Defensively, <2/> is a powerful cooldown that can mitigate heavy damage on you or a target, and grants a free use of Edge of Shadow or Flood of Shadow as long as the shield is fully consumed.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.bloodweapon.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 5 GCDs during every <0/> window. If you cannot do this with full uptime and no clipping, consider adjusting your gearset for more Skill Speed.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.bloodweapon.title\\\": \\\"Blood Weapon Usage\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.drop.at\\\": \\\"Dropped Time\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.drop.reason\\\": \\\"Reason\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.drop.reason.death\\\": \\\"Death\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.drop.reason.timeout\\\": \\\"Timeout\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.title\\\": \\\"Darkside\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.uptime\\\": \\\"Darkside Uptime\\\",\\n \\\"drk.darkside.uptime.why\\\": \\\"Darkside is gained by using <0/> or <1/> and provides you with a 10% damage increase. As such, it is a significant part of a DRK's personal DPS. Do your best not to let it drop, and recover it as quickly as possible if it does.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.delirium.suggestions.badgcd.content\\\": \\\"GCDs used during <0/> should be limited to <1/> for optimal damage (or <2/> if three or more targets are present).\\\",\\n \\\"drk.delirium.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 5 GCDs during every <0/> window. If you cannot do this with full uptime and no clipping, consider adjusting your gearset for more Skill Speed.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.delirium.title\\\": \\\"Delirium Usage\\\",\\n \\\"drk.gauge.suggestions.loss.content\\\": \\\"Avoid letting your Blood Gauge overcap - the wasted resources may cost you uses of your spenders over the course of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.gauge.suggestions.loss.why\\\": \\\"{0} blood gauge lost to an overcapped gauge.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Blood Gauge\\\",\\n \\\"drk.resourceanalyzer.blackestnight.content\\\": \\\"When the shield from <0/> is fully consumed you gain a Dark Arts proc, which allows free use of <1/> or <2/>. You should make sure each usage of <3/> will fully consume the shield, and that you use each Dark Arts proc before using <4/> again.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.resourceanalyzer.blackestnight.why\\\": \\\"You missed out on {wastedDarkArts, plural, one {# Dark Arts use} other {# Dark Arts uses}} due to <0/> applications that did not consume the shield.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.resourceanalyzer.title\\\": \\\"Resource Analyzer\\\",\\n \\\"drk.resourceanalyzer.wastedmp.content\\\": \\\"Your MP allows you to use <0/>, a strong attack that gives you a persistent damage up buff, as well as the strong mitigation of <1/>. Be sure to consistently use your MP so you can benefit from natural regeneration and MP gain from your main combo skills.\\\",\\n \\\"drk.resourceanalyzer.wastedmp.why\\\": \\\"You lost a total of {wastedMPActions, plural, one {# MP spending skill} other {# MP spending skills}} from gaining MP over the cap or death.\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.astrologian\\\": \\\"Astrologian\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.bard\\\": \\\"Bard\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.black-mage\\\": \\\"Black Mage\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.blue-mage\\\": \\\"Blue Mage\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.dancer\\\": \\\"Dancer\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.dark-knight\\\": \\\"Dark Knight\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.dragoon\\\": \\\"Dragoon\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.gunbreaker\\\": \\\"Gunbreaker\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.machinist\\\": \\\"Machinist\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.monk\\\": \\\"Monk\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.ninja\\\": \\\"Ninja\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.paladin\\\": \\\"Paladin\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.red-mage\\\": \\\"Red Mage\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.samurai\\\": \\\"Samurai\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.scholar\\\": \\\"Scholar\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.summoner\\\": \\\"Summoner\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.unknown\\\": \\\"Unknown\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.warrior\\\": \\\"Warrior\\\",\\n \\\"game.job.white-mage\\\": \\\"White Mage\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.healer\\\": \\\"Healer\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.magical-ranged-dps\\\": \\\"Magical Ranged DPS\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.melee-dps\\\": \\\"Melee DPS\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.outdated\\\": \\\"Outdated\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.physical-ranged-dps\\\": \\\"Physical Ranged DPS\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.tank\\\": \\\"Tank\\\",\\n \\\"game.roles.unsupported\\\": \\\"Unsupported\\\",\\n \\\"glossary.proc.description\\\": \\\"Proc is a term used in gaming to refer to an event (a \\\\\\\"procedure\\\\\\\") that is triggered under certain circumstances.\\\\n\\\\nFor example, [~action/VERTHUNDER] has a 50% chance of triggering the status [~status/VERFIRE_READY] when cast.\\\",\\n \\\"glossary.proc.title\\\": \\\"proc\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.about.description\\\": \\\"This analyzer looks for the low-hanging, easy to spot issues in your gameplay that can be fixed to improve your damage across a fight as Gunbreaker.\\\\nIf you're looking to learn about how exactly the job plays and functions from the ground up, take a look at a few basic guides:\\\\n\\\\n* [General tanking guide by Aletin](https://goo.gl/nYzAnq)\\\\n* [Gunbreaker guide on SaltedXIV](https://saltedxiv.com/guides/gnb)\\\\n* [No Mercy Windows by Rin Karigani](https://i.imgur.com/o8hza9e.png)\\\\n\\\\nIf you have any suggestions about the module, feel free to join the XIVA discord and use the feedback channels.\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.ammo.checklist.requirement.waste.name\\\": \\\"Use as many of your loaded cartridges as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.ammo.leftover-ammo.content\\\": \\\"Avoid having leftover ammo at the end of a fight, consider using the ammo earlier if possible. <0/> is more potency than any of your <1/> combo.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.ammo.leftover-ammo.why\\\": \\\"You had {0, plural, one {# cartridge} other {# cartridges}} remaining at the end of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.ammo.title\\\": \\\"Cartridge Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.ammo.waste.content\\\": \\\"Wasted cartridge generation, ending the fight with cartridges loaded, or dying with cartridges loaded is a direct potency loss. Use <0/>(or <1/> if there is more than one target) to avoid wasting cartridges.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.continuation.checklist.description\\\": \\\"One <0/> action should be used for each <1/> combo action.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.continuation.checklist.requirement.continuation.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uses per <1/> combo action\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.gauge.resource.ammoLabel\\\": \\\"Ammo\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.nomercy.chart.notes.no\\\": \\\"No\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.nomercy.chart.notes.yes\\\": \\\"Yes\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.nomercy.notes.header\\\": \\\"Bloodfest Used\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.nomercy.suggestions.expected-uses.content\\\": \\\"Watch your uses of certain abilities during <0/>. Under ideal conditions, you should be using <1/>, a full <2/> combo, and all of your off-GCD skills <3/>, <4/>, and at least one charge of <5/> under the buff duration.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.nomercy.suggestions.gcds.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 9 GCDs during every <0/> window. A 20 second duration is sufficient to comfortably fit 9 GCDs with full uptime if you wait until the last one-third of your GCD timer to activate it.\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.nomercy.title\\\": \\\"No Mercy Windows\\\",\\n \\\"gnb.tincture.suggestions.trackedActions.content\\\": \\\"Try to cover as much damage as possible with your Tinctures of Strength.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>BOB! <1>DO SOMETHING!<2>This module aims to help you improve your MCH gameplay by analyzing things that are difficult to spot in raw logs and pointing out ways to keep your rotation tight, keep your tools on cooldown, make your Wildfire windows as strong as possible, and get the most out of the best pet any job has right now.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.drift.accordion.message\\\": \\\"<0/> and <1/> are your strongest GCDs and ideally they should always be kept on cooldown, unless you need to insert a filler GCD to adjust for skill speed. Avoid casting <2/> if Drill or Air Anchor will come off cooldown within 8 seconds.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.drift.drift-header\\\": \\\"Drift Issue\\\",\\n \\\"mch.drift.drift-issue\\\": \\\"<0/> drifted by {0}\\\",\\n \\\"mch.drift.timelinelink-button\\\": \\\"Jump to Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"mch.drift.timestamp-header\\\": \\\"Timestamp\\\",\\n \\\"mch.drift.title\\\": \\\"GCD Drift\\\",\\n \\\"mch.gauge.suggestions.battery-waste.content\\\": \\\"Try not to let your Battery gauge overcap, as it may cost you <0/> uses over the course of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.gauge.suggestions.battery-waste.why\\\": \\\"You lost {0} Battery to an overcapped gauge.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.gauge.suggestions.heat-waste.content\\\": \\\"Try not to let your Heat gauge overcap, as it may cost you Overheat windows over the course of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.gauge.suggestions.heat-waste.why\\\": \\\"You lost {0} Heat to an overcapped gauge.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Heat & Battery Gauge\\\",\\n \\\"mch.hypercharge.accordion.message\\\": \\\"Every overheat window should ideally include {HYPERCHARGE_GCD_TARGET} casts of <0/> and enough casts of <1/> and <2/> to avoid overcapping their charges. If you clip a lot while weaving, overcapping is still preferable to dropping a Heat Blast. Each overheat window below indicates how many GCDs it contained and will display all the casts in the window if expanded.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.hypercharge.panel-count\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {GCD} other {GCDs}}\\\",\\n \\\"mch.hypercharge.title\\\": \\\"Hypercharge Windows\\\",\\n \\\"mch.queen.accordion.message\\\": \\\"The list below contains every <0/> window from the fight, indicating when it started, its Battery cost and duration, and how much total damage the Queen did to its target. Expanding an individual window below will display every cast by the Automaton Queen made during it.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.queen.suggestions.missing-bunker.content\\\": \\\"Try to time your <0/> windows so that they end while the boss is targetable, as Pile Bunker is a significant chunk of its damage. If the boss is about to jump or die, use <1/> to end it early and get the hit in.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.queen.suggestions.missing-bunker.why\\\": \\\"{missedPileBunkers} of your Automaton Queen windows ended without a Pile Bunker.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.queen.title\\\": \\\"Automaton Queen Usage\\\",\\n \\\"mch.queen.trigger.queenless-queen-attack\\\": \\\"A cast of <0/> was recorded without the Automaton Queen on the field.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.reassemble.suggestions.bad-gcds.content\\\": \\\"On single targets <0/> should only ever be used on <1/> and <2/>, as they're your strongest GCDs by a large margin.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.reassemble.suggestions.bad-gcds.why\\\": \\\"You used Reassemble on a non-optimal GCD {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.reassemble.suggestions.dropped.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when a boss is about to go untargetable so you don't waste the buff.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.reassemble.suggestions.dropped.why\\\": \\\"You allowed Reassemble to fall off unused {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.tincture.suggestions.trackedActions.content\\\": \\\"Try to cover as much damage as possible with your Tinctures of Dexterity.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.accordion.message\\\": \\\"Every <0/> window should ideally contain at least {WILDFIRE_GCD_TARGET} GCDs to maximize its potency. Each Wildfire window below indicates how many GCDs it contained and the total damage it hit for, and will display all the damaging casts in the window if expanded.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.panel-count\\\": \\\"{0} {1, plural, one {GCD} other {GCDs}}, {2} damage\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.panel-count-spoofed\\\": \\\"? GCDs, {0} damage\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.suggestions.cooldown.content\\\": \\\"Try to ensure you have an Overheat window prepared for every <0/> cast to maximize damage. Each GCD in a Wildfire window is worth 200 potency, so maximizing the GCD count with <1/> is important.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.suggestions.cooldown.why\\\": \\\"{badWildfires} of your Wildfire windows contained fewer than {WILDFIRE_GCD_TARGET} GCDs.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.suggestions.fizzle.content\\\": \\\"Be careful to time your <0/> windows so that the damage resolves during uptime, or detonate them early if necessary to at least get partial potency.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.suggestions.fizzle.why\\\": \\\"{fizzledWildfires} of your Wildfire windows resolved for 0 damage.\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.title\\\": \\\"Wildfire\\\",\\n \\\"mch.wildfire.trigger.no-buff-wf\\\": \\\"<0/> damage was recorded without a corresponding <1/> debuff.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>Hello friendly monk! Do you not Crit the Boot? Does your Six-Sided Star dream remain a meme?<1>This monk analyser aims to help you realise your true potential as a monk by highlighting issues that can be difficult to spot in a raw log. The main focus is on your buff windows, buff uptime, and ensuring your cooldowns are used while providing tips on utility skill usage.<2>If you notice anything that looks wrong or have a feature idea, please visit our Discord server and report it in the #fb-monk channel.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.action-timeline.chakras\\\": \\\"Chakras\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.action-timeline.fists\\\": \\\"Fists\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.demolish.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> is your strongest finisher (assuming at least 3 DoT ticks hit).\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.demolish.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep Demolish up\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.demolish.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.demolish.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> significantly before its expiration. Unnecessary refreshes risk overwriting buff snapshots.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.demolish.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} seconds of <0/> per minute lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.suggestions.foe.content\\\": \\\"When using <0/>, remember to change back to <1/> as soon as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.suggestions.foe.why\\\": \\\"<0/> was active for {0, plural, one {# GCD} other {# GCDs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.suggestions.fow.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> provides no combat benefit. Try to stay in <1/> as much as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.suggestions.fow.why\\\": \\\"<0/> was active for {0, plural, one {# GCD} other {# GCDs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.suggestions.stanceless.content\\\": \\\"Fist buffs are one of your biggest DPS contributors, either directly with <0/> or by avoiding death with <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.suggestions.stanceless.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# GCD} other {# GCDs}} had no Fists buff active.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.fists.title\\\": \\\"Fists\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.dropped.content\\\": \\\"Avoid dropping Forms. You may need to use a gap closer or stay closer to the enemy to avoid your combo timing out. This usually indicates a bigger problem.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.dropped.why\\\": \\\"Form was dropped {0, plural, one {# time.} other {# times.}}\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.formless.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using combo starters outside of <0/> as the Form bonus is only activated in the correct form.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.formless.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# combo-starter was} other {# combo-starters were}} used Formlessly, cancelling form bonus effects.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.reset.content\\\": \\\"Try not to cancel combos by using <0/>, <1/>, or <2/> mid-rotation.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.reset.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# combo was} other {# combos were}} reset by an Opo-Opo Form skill.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.skipped.content\\\": \\\"Avoid skipping Forms outside of downtime. A skipped GCD could otherwise be used for damage.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.forms.suggestions.skipped.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# form was} other {# forms were}} skipped by Form Shift unnecessarily.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.pb.suggestions.badActions.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> or <1/> inside of <2/> does no damage and does not change your Form.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.pb.suggestions.badActions.why\\\": \\\"{badActions, plural, one {# use of} other {# uses of}} uses of <0/> or <1/> were used during <2/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.pb.suggestions.stacks.content\\\": \\\"Try to consume all 6 stacks during every <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.pb.suggestions.stacks.why\\\": \\\"{droppedGcds, plural, one {# possible GCD was} other {# possible GCDs were}} missed during <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.pb.title\\\": \\\"Perfect Balance\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.suggestions.gcd.content\\\": \\\"Aim to hit {0} GCDs during each <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.suggestions.gcd.why\\\": \\\"{droppedGcds, plural, one {# possible GCD was} other {# possible GCDs were}} missed or wasted on <0/> during <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.suggestions.ogcd.content\\\": \\\"Aim to use <0/>, <1/>, and at least 1 <2/> during each <3/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.suggestions.ogcd.why\\\": \\\"{droppedExpectedOgcds, plural, one {# expected oGCD was} other {# expected oGCDs were}} dropped during <0/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.suggestions.tackle.content\\\": \\\"Try to use both charges of <0/> during <1/>, unless you need to hold a charge for strategic purposes.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.suggestions.tackle.why\\\": \\\"{riddlesWithOneTackle, plural, one {# use} other {# uses}} of <0/> contained only one use of <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.table.header.gcds\\\": \\\"GCDs\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.rof.title\\\": \\\"Riddle of Fire\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> is your strongest form GCD when you buff it by using <1/> beforehand.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Buff Bootshine\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> buff rate\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.suggestions.bootshine.content\\\": \\\"Try to always hit your positional on <0/>. Between the guaranteed critical hit under <1/> and the potency buff from <2/>, this is essentially your strongest skill.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.suggestions.bootshine.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# use of} other {# uses of}} <0/> executed with incorrect position.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.suggestions.dragon_kick.content\\\": \\\"Avoid unbuffed <0/> by using <1/> before it.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.steppies.suggestions.dragon_kick.why\\\": \\\"{0} potency lost to missing <0/> buff {1} times.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.checklist.description\\\": \\\"Twin Snakes is an easy 10% buff to your DPS.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep Twin Snakes up\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.suggestions.antman.content\\\": \\\"Try to get <0/> up before using <1/> to take advantage of its free refresh.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.suggestions.antman.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# use} other {# uses}} of <0/> failed to refresh <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.suggestions.early.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> signficantly before its expiration as you're losing uses of the higher potency <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.suggestions.early.why\\\": \\\"{lostTruePotency} potency lost to {0, plural, one {# early refresh} other {# early refreshes}}.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.suggestions.toocalm.content\\\": \\\"Try to get <0/> up before using <1/> to take advantage of its free refresh.\\\",\\n \\\"mnk.twinsnakes.suggestions.toocalm.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# use} other {# uses}} of <0/> failed to refresh <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>Hey there, NIN friend! Are you tired of being looked down on by your MNK and BLM peers? Wish your raid team would stop using you for your Trick Attacks and appreciate you for who you really are? Well look no further! We'll help you bring yourself all the way up from <1>this to <2>this*!<3>As NIN tends to be more fluid than rotational, this module contains mostly suggestions for ways you can improve your gameplay, rather than strict checklist requirements. If you see a lot, don't panic - just tackle them one at a time.<4>*Results not guaranteed. Offer void where prohibited. Please don't sue us.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.action-timeline.mudra\\\": \\\"Mudra\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> provides you with a 15% attack speed increase and as such is a <1>huge part of a NIN's personal DPS. Do your best not to let it drop, and recover it as quickly as possible if it does.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.checklist.description.warning\\\": \\\"As Huton is now a gauge instead of a buff, please bear in mind that this is an estimate, not an exact value. This also applies to any Huton-related suggestions below.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep Huton up\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.checklist.requirement.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.suggestions.clipping.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when <1/> has more than 40 seconds left on its duration. The excess time is wasted, so using <2/> is typically the better option.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.suggestions.clipping.why\\\": \\\"You clipped {0} of Huton with early Armor Crushes.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.suggestions.futile-ac.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when <1/> is down, as it provides no benefit and does less DPS than your other combo finishers.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.huton.suggestions.futile-ac.why\\\": \\\"You used Armor Crush {badAcs, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} when Huton was down.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.generalbads.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/>, <1/>, and <2/> under <3/>. For raw damage, <4/> and <5/> should always be used in single-target and AoE situations respectively.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.generalbads.why\\\": \\\"You cast standard damaging Ninjutsu {generalBads, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} under Kassatsu.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.huton.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> under <1/>, as it does no damage and completely wastes the 30% potency buff Kassatsu provides.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.huton.why\\\": \\\"You cast Huton {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} under Kassatsu.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.rabbit.content\\\": \\\"Be especially careful not to flub your mudras under <0/>, as <1/> does no damage and completely wastes the 30% potency buff Kassatsu provides.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.rabbit.why\\\": \\\"You cast Rabbit Medium {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} under Kassatsu.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.suiton.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> under <1/> unless using it to set up for a critically important <2/>. It's generally best to use it on <3/> while Trick Attack is up, as its cooldown should align it with every window.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.suiton.why\\\": \\\"You cast Suiton {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} under Kassatsu.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.waste.content\\\": \\\"Be careful not to let <0/> fall off, as it wastes a 30% potency buff and means that you're delaying your Ninjutsu casts significantly.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.kassatsu.suggestions.waste.why\\\": \\\"You allowed Kassatsu to fall off {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.aoe-doton.content\\\": \\\"<0/> requires at least {DOTON_TICK_TARGET} ticks to be worthwhile in an AoE setting. Use <1/> instead against adds that will die quickly.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.aoe-doton.why\\\": \\\"You cast an unoptimized Doton cast {badAoes, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.hyoton.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/>, as it's the weakest of the mudra combinations and should typically never be used in raid content.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.hyoton.why\\\": \\\"You cast Hyoton {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.rabbit.content\\\": \\\"Be careful not to flub your mudras, as using <0/> can cost you personal DPS at best and raid DPS at worst by reducing the number of <1/>s you can do during the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.rabbit.why\\\": \\\"You cast Rabbit Medium {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.st-doton.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> on single targets, as it does less damage than <1/> if any ticks miss and uses more mudras, resulting in more GCD delay for no gain.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.st-doton.why\\\": \\\"You cast a single-target Doton {badStds, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.tcj-doton.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> under <1/> unless you're up against multiple targets. On a single target, using the <2/> combo will do equivalent or better damage and keep it aligned with <3/>.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninjutsu.suggestions.tcj-doton.why\\\": \\\"You cast a single-target Doton under Ten Chi Jin {badTcjs, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninki.suggestions.frog.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when you only have one target, as <1/> has higher potency and can be used freely.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninki.suggestions.frog.why\\\": \\\"You used Hellfrog Medium {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} when other spenders were available.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninki.suggestions.waste.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> and <1/> when above 40 Ninki and holding your Ninki spenders when near or at cap (with a few small exceptions) in order to maximize the number of spenders you can use over the course of a fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninki.suggestions.waste.why\\\": \\\"Overcapping caused you to lose {0} Ninki over the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ninki.title\\\": \\\"Ninki Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ta-usage.suggestions.missed.content\\\": \\\"Avoid holding <0/> for extended periods of time. It's typically ideal to use it as close to on cooldown as possible in order to keep it aligned with all the other raid buffs and personal burst windows, as well as maximizing the number of uses per fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ta-usage.suggestions.missed.why\\\": \\\"You delayed Trick Attack for a cumulative {0}, costing you {lostCasts, plural, one {# potential use} other {# potential uses}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ta-usage.suggestions.none.content\\\": \\\"<0/> is the single most powerful raid buff in your kit and should be used on cooldown, or as close to it as possible depending on the flow of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ta-usage.suggestions.none.why\\\": \\\"You didn't use Trick Attack once the entire fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ta-usage.suggestions.opener.content\\\": \\\"Avoid unconventional timings for your first <0/> of the fight in order to line it up with all the other raid and personal buffs. In most openers, Trick Attack should be weaved in approximately 8-9 seconds into the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.ta-usage.suggestions.opener.why\\\": \\\"Your first Trick Attack was {0, plural, one {# GCD} other {# GCDs}} into your opener.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.chart.notes.header\\\": \\\"TCJ Used\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.chart.notes.no\\\": \\\"No\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.chart.notes.yes\\\": \\\"Yes\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.suggestions.badtrackedactions.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> under <1/> unless <2/> is about to fall off or you can only hit the flank positional, as <3/> is otherwise a higher potency finisher.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.suggestions.gcds.content\\\": \\\"While the exact number of GCDs per window will vary depending on whether <0/> is up, every <1/> window should contain at least {BASE_GCDS_PER_WINDOW, plural, one {# GCD} other {# GCDs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.suggestions.trackedactions.content\\\": \\\"Every <0/> window should contain <1/>, <2/>, 2 <3/> casts (or 1 if it's your opener), and <4/> in order to maximize damage.\\\",\\n \\\"nin.taWindow.title\\\": \\\"Trick Attack Windows\\\",\\n \\\"pld.Atonement.title\\\": \\\"Atonement\\\",\\n \\\"pld.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>As the illegitimate child of a WHM and BLM, you chose the gory path of a shield lobbing, sword swinging Mage that also tries to help everybody out.<1>This analyser attempts to find just the right things to turn you into a fearsome tank that will show no <2/> to your enemies while being the true <3/> of the party.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.atonement.checklist.description\\\": \\\"<0/> generates {stacks} stacks of <1/> to use on <2/>. This is effectively the same as getting {stacks} uses of <3/> and you should make sure to use all stacks generated.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.atonement.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Use Atonements Generated By Royal Authority\\\",\\n \\\"pld.atonement.checklist.requirement.atonement.name\\\": \\\"Uses of <0/> out of possible uses\\\",\\n \\\"pld.fightorflight.suggestions.gcds.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 11 physical GCDs during every <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.fightorflight.suggestions.goring-blade-clip.content\\\": \\\"Try to refresh <0/> 9 GCDs after the first <1/> in a <2/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.fightorflight.suggestions.goring-blade-clip.why\\\": \\\"{goringTooClose, plural, one {# application was} other {# applications were}} refreshed too early during <0/> windows.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.fightorflight.suggestions.ogcds.content\\\": \\\"Try to land at least one cast of each of your physical off-GCD skills (<0/>,<1/>, and <2/>) and two <3/> applications during every <4/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.fightorflight.title\\\": \\\"Fight Or Flight Usage\\\",\\n \\\"pld.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Oath Gauge Usage\\\",\\n \\\"pld.gauge.waste.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> on yourself or <1/> on a tank partner in case you're off tanking could reduce incoming damage from abilities or auto-attacks.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.gauge.waste.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"A total of {0} gauge was lost due to exceeding the cap.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.goring.checklist.goringblade.description\\\": \\\"As a Paladin, <0/> is a significant portion of your sustained damage, and is required to kept up for as much as possible, for the best damage output.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.goring.checklist.goringblade.requirement.uptime\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"pld.goring.suggestions.goringblade.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> significantly before it's expiration.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.goring.suggestions.goringblade.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} seconds of <0/> per minute lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.suggestions.missed-confiteor.content\\\": \\\"Be sure to end each <0/> window with <1/> for optimal damage.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.suggestions.nobuff.content\\\": \\\"<0/> should only be used when over 80% MP. Otherwise, you will not get the <1/> buff, which provides 50% increased magic damage, instant cast times, and allows you to cast <2/>.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.suggestions.nobuff.why\\\": \\\"{missedRequiescatBuffs, plural, one {# usage} other {# usages}} while under 80% MP.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.suggestions.wrong-gcd.content\\\": \\\"GCDs used during <0/> should consist of 3-4 uses of <1/> (or multi-hit <2/>) and 1 use of <3/> for optimal damage.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.suggestions.wrong-gcd.why\\\": \\\"{missedCasts, plural, one {# missing cast} other {# missing casts}} during the {0} buff window.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.table.note\\\": \\\"Each of your <0/> windows should contain 4 spells at minimum to maintain the alignment of your rotation. Most of the time, a window should consist of 4 casts of <1/> or <2/> and end with a cast of <3/>. However, under some circumstances, it is useful to drop one <4/> per minute in order to better align your rotation with buffs or mechanics. If you don't have a specific plan to do this, you should aim for 4 casts of <5/> per <6/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.requiescat.title\\\": \\\"Requiescat Usage\\\",\\n \\\"pld.tincture.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 13 GCDs during every <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"pld.tincture.suggestions.trackedactions.content\\\": \\\"One use of <0/> and at least one use of <1/> should occur during every <2/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>This analyzer aims to give you the information you need to turn your <1>parses into <2>parses<3>If you would like to learn more about RDM, check the guides over at <4>The Balance, and have a chat in the <5>#rdm_questions channel.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.about.description.warning\\\": \\\"Openers are currently not supported at this time.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.cac.suggestions.trackedActions.content\\\": \\\"Three uses of <0/> should occur between every <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.cac.title\\\": \\\"Corps-a-Corps\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.combos.suggestions.derpcombos.content\\\": \\\"Be sure not to use combo actions out of order.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.combos.suggestions.derpcombos.why\\\": \\\"{derpComboCount, plural, one {# enchanted combo was lost due to using the combo skills out of order} other {# enchanted combos were lost due to using the combo skills out of order}}\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.combos.suggestions.notenoughmanacombos.content\\\": \\\"Be sure not to enter your combo before having 80|80 mana\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.combos.suggestions.notenoughmanacombos.why\\\": \\\"{notEnoughManaCount, plural, one {# enchanted combo was lost due to entering the combo before having enough mana} other {# enchanted combos were lost due to entering the combo before having enough mana}}\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.combos.suggestions.therestcombos.content\\\": \\\"Do not allow your combo to timeout or use GCD Skills or Manafication during your enchanted combos\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.combos.suggestions.therestcombos.why\\\": \\\"{theRest, plural, one {# enchanted combo was lost due to general combo breakage or combo timing out} other {# enchanted combos were lost due to general combo breakage or combo timing out}}\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.dualcast.suggestions.missed.content\\\": \\\"You should avoid wasting Dualcast procs entirely as it is lost potency overtime.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.dualcast.suggestions.missed.why\\\": \\\"{0} {1, plural, one {Dualcast was} other {Dualcasts were}} lost due to not casting.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.dualcast.suggestions.wasted.content\\\": \\\"Spells used while <0/> is up should be limited to <1/>, <2/>, or <3/>\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.dualcast.suggestions.wasted.why\\\": \\\"{0} {1, plural, one {Dualcast was} other {Dualcasts were}} wasted on low cast-time spells.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.dualcast.title\\\": \\\"Dualcast\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.embolden.title\\\": \\\"Embolden\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.engdistrack.title\\\": \\\"Engagement/Displacement Tracking\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.engdistracking.windowActions\\\": \\\"Engagement / Displacement Actions\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.engdistracking.windowTitle\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.black-mana-lost-to-manafication\\\": \\\"Black\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.resource.blackmana\\\": \\\"Black Mana\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.resource.whitemana\\\": \\\"White Mana\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.mana-invuln-content\\\": \\\"Ensure you don't target a boss that you cannot damage with your damaging spells. Spells that do no damage due to an invulnerable target or due to missing result in no mana gained, which potentially costs you one or more Enchanted Combos.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.mana-invuln-why\\\": \\\"You lost {0} White Mana and {1} Black Mana due to misses or spells that targeted an invulnerable target\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.mana-lost-content\\\": \\\"Ensure you don't allow a difference of more than 30 betwen mana types, you lost white Mana due to Imbalance which reduces your overall mana gain and potentially costs you one or more Enchanted Combos\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.mana-lost-why\\\": \\\"You lost {0} White Mana and {1} Black Mana due to overage of black Mana\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.mana-wasted-content\\\": \\\"Ensure you don't overcap your White Mana before a combo, overcapping White Mana indicates your balance was off; and you potentially lost out on Enchanted Combo damage. You should look to execute at 80/80 or as close to it as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.mana-wasted-why\\\": \\\"You lost {0} White Mana and {1} Black Mana due to capped Gauge resources\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.wastedprocs.content\\\": \\\"Do not enter your combo with your finisher's proc up when <0/> is down, consider dumping a proc before entering the melee combo as long as you waste less than 8 mana to overcapping\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.wastedprocs.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Proc cast was lost due to entering the melee combo with the finisher proc up.} other {# Procs casts were lost due to entering the melee combo with the finisher proc up.}}\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.wastedverflare.content\\\": \\\"You should use <0/> over <1/> in the following situations in order of importance<2><3>When your black mana is lower<4>Your mana is even and you have <5/> (Use <6/> if available!)<7>Black mana is higher by 9 or less and <8/> is available with <9/>\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.wastedverflare.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Verfire cast was lost due to using Verholy incorrectly} other {# Verfire casts were lost due to using Verholy incorrectly}}\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.wastedverholy.content\\\": \\\"You should use <0/> over <1/> in the following situations in order of importance<2><3>When your white mana is lower<4>Your mana is even and you have <5/> (Use <6/> if available!)<7>White mana is higher by 9 or less and <8/> is available with <9/>\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.suggestions.wastedverholy.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# Verstone cast was lost due to using Verflare incorrectly} other {# Verstone casts were lost due to using Verflare incorrectly}}\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Mana Gauge Usage\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.title-mana-lost-to-manafication\\\": \\\"Manafication Loss:\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.white-mana-lost-to-manafication\\\": \\\"White\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.gauge.white-mana-lost-to-manafication-statistics\\\": \\\"It is ok to lose some mana to manafication over the course of a fight, you should however strive to keep this number as low as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.interrupts.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid interrupting casts by either prepositioning yourself or utilizing slidecasting where possible. If you need to move, try to save a use of <0/> or pool mana for a melee combo or <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.recommendation.delay\\\": \\\"Delay your melee combo to guarantee a proc from your finisher, if you will lose {0} or less mana to overcapping.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.recommendation.incorrect\\\": \\\"See the suggestions section for finisher guidelines.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.table.header.recommended\\\": \\\"Recommended\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.table.header.rotation\\\": \\\"Rotation\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.table.header.starting-mana\\\": \\\"Starting Mana\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.table.header.starting-procs\\\": \\\"Starting Procs\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.table.header.time\\\": \\\"Time\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.meleecombos.title\\\": \\\"Melee Combos\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.invuln.target\\\": \\\"Target\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.invulnlist.preface\\\": \\\"Each of the bullets below is the chronological order of procs wasted on an invulnerable boss\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.invuln-fire.content\\\": \\\"Try not to use <0/> while the boss is invulnerable.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.invuln-fire.why\\\": \\\"You used {invulnFire, plural, one {# Verfire proc} other {# Verfire procs}} on an invulnerable boss.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.invuln-stone.content\\\": \\\"Try not to use <0/> while the boss is invulnerable.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.invuln-stone.why\\\": \\\"You used {invulnStone, plural, one {# Verstone proc} other {# Verstone procs}} on an invulnerable boss.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.invuln.content\\\": \\\"Try not to use <0/> and <1/> while the boss is invulnerable.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.invuln.why\\\": \\\"You used {invulnFire, plural, one {# Verfire proc} other {# Verfire procs}} and {invulnStone, plural, one {# Verstone proc} other {# Verstone procs}} on an invulnerable boss.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.missed-fire.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> whenever you have <1/> to avoid losing out on mana gains.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.missed-fire.why\\\": \\\"You missed {missedFire, plural, one {# Verfire proc} other {# Verfire procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.missed-stone.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> whenever you have <1/> to avoid losing out on mana gains.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.missed-stone.why\\\": \\\"You missed {missedStone, plural, one {# Verstone proc} other {# Verstone procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.missed.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> whenever you have <1/> or <2/> whenever you have <3/> to avoid losing out on mana gains.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.missed.why\\\": \\\"You missed {missedFire, plural, one {# Verfire proc} other {# Verfire procs}} and {missedStone, plural, one {# Verstone proc} other {# Verstone procs}}.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.overwritten-fire.content\\\": \\\"Don't cast <0/> when you have <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.overwritten-fire.why\\\": \\\"{overWrittenFire, plural, one {# Verfire proc was} other {# Verfire procs were}} lost due to being overwritten.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.overwritten-stone.content\\\": \\\"Don't cast <0/> when you have <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.overwritten-stone.why\\\": \\\"{overWrittenStone, plural, one {# Verstone proc was} other {# Verstone procs were}} lost due to being overwritten.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.overwritten.content\\\": \\\"Don't cast <0/> when you have <1/> or <2/> when you have <3/>.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.suggestions.overwritten.why\\\": \\\"{overWrittenFire, plural, one {# Verfire proc} other {# Verfire procs}} and {overWrittenStone, plural, one {# Verstone proc} other {# Verstone procs}} were lost due to being overwritten.\\\",\\n \\\"rdm.procs.title\\\": \\\"Proc Issues\\\",\\n \\\"sam.about.description\\\": \\\"So you study the blade do you? Well consider this analysis the exam to see exactly how much you have learned about the basics of Samurai. This tool will track your Sen and Kenki gains/uses to see if you are missing possible resources to gain or you have failed to make the most out of what you gained over the course of the fight. Study guides for the exam:\\\\n\\\\n- [Bushido, a PVE Samurai Guide](http://bit.ly/SAM-Guide)\\\\n\\\\n- [Visual Guide to Samurai rotation](https://i.imgur.com/N52Dliz.png)\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"sam.about.description.info\\\": \\\"<0>Note Unfortunately, positionals cannot be tracked at this time, and as such, Kenki values are <1>estimates. Care has been taken to keep them as accurate as possible, however some innacuracies may be present.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.buffs.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep Shifu and Jinpu up\\\",\\n \\\"sam.buffs.checklist.requirement.jinpu.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"sam.buffs.checklist.requirement.shifu.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"sam.buffs.description\\\": \\\"<0/> and <1/> increases your damage and speed by 13%. Both buffs are key part of Samurai's damage.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.buffs.title\\\": \\\"Buffs\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.applied\\\": \\\"Applied\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.checklist.description\\\": \\\"As a Samurai, <0/> is a significant portion of your sustained damage, and is required to kept up for as much as possible, for the best damage output.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep <0/> up\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.checklist.requirement\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.clip\\\": \\\"Clip\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> significantly before it expires.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"{0} of {1} lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.title\\\": \\\"Higanbana\\\",\\n \\\"sam.higanbana.total-clip\\\": \\\"Total Clip\\\",\\n \\\"sam.interrupts.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid interrupting <0/> casts. Despite the short cast time, moving too early can interrupt the skill causing you to have to waste time re-casting it.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kaiten.suggestion.badkaiten.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> on any GCDs besides <1/> moves. These actions are worth it because of the potency gain per kenki spent.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kaiten.suggestion.missedkaiten.content\\\": \\\"Always use <0/> on <1/> and <2/>. The gain on these actions from kaiten is too great to miss.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kaiten.suggestion.missedkaiten.why\\\": \\\"You failed to Kaiten {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} on either <0/> or <1/>\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kaiten.title\\\": \\\"Kaiten\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kenki.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Kenki is your primary resource, and a significant source of damage. Avoid wasting potential kenki by using it before you hit the maximum of {MAX_KENKI}.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kenki.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"You wasted between {min} and {max} kenki.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.kenki.title\\\": \\\"Kenki\\\",\\n \\\"sam.ms.suggestions.badgcd.content\\\": \\\"GCDs used during <0/> should be limited to sen building skills.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.ms.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 3 GCDs during every <0/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.ms.title\\\": \\\"Meikyo Shisui Windows\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.no_hagakure.message\\\": \\\"<0/> is a powerful tool that should be used to help keep <1/> on cooldown. Use it to handle your filler phase of your rotation.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.rotation-table.disclaimer\\\": \\\" This module labels a \\\\\\\"Standard Sen Window\\\\\\\" to be a window that with no Sen overwrites that ends on an Iaijutsu. Please consult The Balance Discord and this [Infograph](https://i.imgur.com/L0Y7d6C.png) for more details on looping Samurai gameplay.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.rotation-table.message\\\": \\\"This table serves as a way to better see the events that lend up to a Sen window that has been deemed \\\\\\\"Non-Standard\\\\\\\" as explained below. Dying, overwriting a sen, or using hagakure will cause a window to be flagged as Non-Standard.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.sen_handling.d_hagakure\\\": \\\"Contains a Non-Standard use of Hagakure.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.sen_handling.death\\\": \\\"Contains your death.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.sen_handling.hagakure\\\": \\\"Contains a Standard Filler Hagakure.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.sen_handling.overwrote_sen\\\": \\\"Contains a Overwritten Sen.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.sen_handling.overwrote_sens\\\": \\\"Contains Overwritten Sens.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.sen_handling.why\\\": \\\"Why Non-Standard\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"You used <0/>, <1/>, or <2/> at a time when you already had that sen, thus wasting a combo because it did not give you sen or you died while holding sen thus wasting it as well.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.suggestion.no_hagakure.why\\\": \\\"You never cast hagakure this fight.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"You wasted {0} sen.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.sen.title\\\": \\\"Non-Standard Sen Windows\\\",\\n \\\"sam.shoha.checklist.requirement.waste.name\\\": \\\"Use as many of your meditation stacks as possible.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.shoha.title\\\": \\\"Meditation Timeline\\\",\\n \\\"sam.shoha.waste.by-source.key\\\": \\\"Meditation Stack Waste by Source\\\",\\n \\\"sam.shoha.waste.content\\\": \\\"Wasted meditation generation, ending the fight with stacks fully charged, or dying with stacks charged is a direct potency loss. Use <0/> to avoid wasting stacks.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.suggestion.badkaiten.why\\\": \\\"You used Kaiten {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} on non-optimal GCDs.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.badeyes.content\\\": \\\"<0/>'s heal is not worth the damage loss of not using <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.badeyes.why\\\": \\\"You used <0/> {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}} during the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.unopenedeyes.content\\\": \\\"Avoid using <0/> when its guarenteed not to proc, causing an unnecessary weave and risking the chance of it potentially being on cooldown for unavoidable damage\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.unopenedeyes.why\\\": \\\"{unopenedEyes} of your Third Eye casts did not proc.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.unspenteyes.content\\\": \\\"Never let a proc go to waste, spend your procs from <0/> on <1/> for a small dps gain.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.unspenteyes.why\\\": \\\"{unspentEyes} of your procs were not spent.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.useyourdamnthirdeye.content\\\": \\\"<0/> gives you 10% less damage taken from an incoming attack and gives you access to <1/> and <2/>. You should try to use Third Eye as much as possible to reduce the damage you take.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.suggestion.useyourdamnthirdeye.why\\\": \\\"You did not use third eye at all over the course of the fight. Use it on unavoidable raid wide damage at a minimum.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.thirdeye.title\\\": \\\"Third Eye\\\",\\n \\\"sam.tsubame.suggestion.badtsubame.content\\\": \\\"You used <0/> incorrectly. The skill should only be used to get more <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.tsubame.suggestion.badtsubame.why\\\": \\\"You used <0/> on the wrong sen skills {badUses} times over the course of the fight\\\",\\n \\\"sam.tsubame.suggestion.notsubame.content\\\": \\\"<0/> allows you to repeat your Iaijustu skills right after you use them. To not use this skill is to deny yourself 2 <1/> for the price of one.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.tsubame.suggestion.notsubame.why\\\": \\\"You did not use <0/> at all.\\\",\\n \\\"sam.tsubame.title\\\": \\\"Tsubame\\\",\\n \\\"sch.about.description\\\": \\\"\\\\nThis analyser aims to identify some of the low-hanging fruit that could be used to improve your SCH gameplay, as well as give a deeper insight into what happened during an encounter.\\\\n\\\\nIf you would like to learn more about SCH, check the guides over at [The Balance](https://thebalanceffxiv.com/), and have a chat in the #sch_questions channel.\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.abilities-used\\\": \\\"Abilities Used\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.cast-time\\\": \\\"Cast Times\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.checklist.description-1\\\": \\\"Using aetherflow on cooldown lets you regain mana faster.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Use <0/> on cooldown.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.checklist.requirement.uptime.name\\\": \\\"<0/> cooldown uptime\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.checklist.requirement.uses.name\\\": \\\"Total <0/> casts: {0} out of {1} possible\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.cooldown\\\": \\\"CD\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.drift\\\": \\\"Drift\\\",\\n \\\"sch.aetherflow.stacks-wasted\\\": \\\"Stacks Wasted\\\",\\n \\\"sch.chainstrat.cooldown.description\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> on cooldown throughout the fight, particularly when your team has other buffs up for maximum effect.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.dots.checklist.description\\\": \\\"As a Scholar, Biolysis is a notable portion of your damage. Aim to keep it up as much as possible, so long as you can get at least 15 seconds of uptime per application.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.dots.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep your DoT up\\\",\\n \\\"sch.dots.checklist.requirement.bio-ii.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"sch.dots.suggestions.clipping.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing Biolysis significantly before its expiration, except when at the end of the fight. Unnecessary refreshes use up your mana more than necessary, and may cause you to go out of mana.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.dots.suggestions.clipping.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} seconds of <0/> per minute lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.gauge.nofairyatstart.content\\\": \\\"Your fairy is a considerable amount of your healing kit. Make sure to use <0/> or <1/> prior to the start of combat\\\",\\n \\\"sch.gauge.nofairyatstart.why\\\": \\\"Your fairy was not summoned at the start of combat.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Faerie Gauge Usage\\\",\\n \\\"sch.gauge.waste\\\": \\\"A total of {0} Faerie Gauge was wasted due to overcapping.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.gauge.waste.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Try to make use of your Faerie Gauge abilities <0/> and <1/>, since they are free oGCD heals that come naturally from using Aetherflow abilities.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.gauge.waste.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"A total of {0} gauge was lost due to exceeding the cap.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.interrupts.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"If you can, try to preposition yourself so you don't have to move during mechanics as much as possible. Utilizing slidecasting will lower the need to use <0/> to instantly relocate or interrupt your current Broil III cast\\\",\\n \\\"sch.overheal.hot.name\\\": \\\"Sacred Soil\\\",\\n \\\"sch.overheal.pet.name\\\": \\\"Fairy\\\",\\n \\\"sch.overheal.pethot.name\\\": \\\"Fairy HoTs\\\",\\n \\\"sch.recitation.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Use a corresponding healing skill within Recitation's duration. Not using a corresponding action wastes the CD and a weave slot.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.recitation.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"{missedCount} {missedCount, plural, one {use} other {uses}} of Recitation had no corresponding action cast to trigger its effect.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.swiftcast.missed.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Use spells with <0/> before it expires. This allows you to use spells with cast times instantly, such as <1/> for a quick revive, or <2/> for weaving.\\\",\\n \\\"sch.weaving.content\\\": \\\"Try to use <0/> and <1/> to weave your actions, and avoid weaving more actions than you have time for in a single GCD window. Doing so will delay your next GCD, reducing possible uptime. Check the {0} module below for more detailed analysis.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.about.description\\\": \\\"\\\\nThis analyser aims to identify some of the low-hanging fruit that could be used to improve your SMN gameplay, as well as give a deeper insight into what happened during an encounter.\\\\n\\\\nDue to the nature of how SMN plays, there may be a near _overwhelming_ number of suggestions showing up below. Don't fret it, just focus on one or two improvements at a time.\\\\n\\\\nIf you would like to learn more about SMN, check the guides over at [Akhmorning](http://www.akhmorning.com/guide/intro/), the resources at [The Balance](https://thebalanceffxiv.com/), and have a chat in the #smn channels.\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"smn.demi.ghost-disclaimer\\\": \\\"Demi-summon actions can \\\\\\\"ghost\\\\\\\" - the action resolves, and appears to do damage, however no damage is actually applied to the target. <0>Red highlighting has been applied to actions that ghosted.<1/>You should be aiming for:<2/>8 Wyrmwave and 2 Akh Morn in each Summon Bahamut<3/>8 Scarlet Flame, 2 Revelation, 4 Fountain Of Fire, and 4 Brand of Purgatory in each Firebird Trance.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.demis.title\\\": \\\"Demi-summons\\\",\\n \\\"smn.devotion.players-count\\\": \\\"Players Buffed\\\",\\n \\\"smn.devotion.suggestions.missed-players.content\\\": \\\"Try to make sure your <0/> casts buff your full party with each use. Failing to do so is a raid damage loss.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.devotion.suggestions.missed-players.why\\\": \\\"{missedPlayersWindows} of your Devotion uses did not buff the full party.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.devotion.table-header\\\": \\\"Devotion Actions\\\",\\n \\\"smn.devotion.title\\\": \\\"Devotion Actions\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.applied\\\": \\\"Applied\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.checklist.description\\\": \\\"As a Summoner, DoTs are significant portion of your sustained damage, and are required for optimal damage from <0/>, your primary stack spender. Aim to keep them up at all times.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.checklist.description_505\\\": \\\"As a Summoner, DoTs are significant portion of your sustained damage, and are required for optimal damage from your Ruin spells and <0/>, your primary stack spender. Aim to keep them up at all times.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep your DoTs up\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.checklist.requirement.bio-iii.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.checklist.requirement.miasma-iii.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.source\\\": \\\"Source\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.suggestions.missing_dot_cast.content\\\": \\\"To get the most potency out of your <0/>s, ensure both <1/> and <2/> are applied to your target.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.suggestions.missing_dot_cast.content_505\\\": \\\"To get the most potency out of your <0/>s and Ruin spells, ensure both <1/> and <2/> are applied to your target. Avoid casting Fester directly after DoT application, as the status takes a short period to apply.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.suggestions.missing_dot_cast.why\\\": \\\"{totalPotencyLost} potency lost to {numBadCasts, plural, one {# cast} other {# casts}} on targets missing DoTs.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dots.title\\\": \\\"DoTs\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.died\\\": \\\"(died)\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.no-deathflare\\\": \\\"(no Deathflare)\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.rushing\\\": \\\"(rushing)\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.suggestions.bad-gcds.content\\\": \\\"GCDs used during Dreadwyrm Trance should be limited to <0/> in single target or <1/> in AoE situations.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.suggestions.bad-gcds.why\\\": \\\"{badGcds} incorrect GCDs used during DWT.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.suggestions.missed-deathflares.content\\\": \\\"Make sure you always end <0/> with a <1/>. Failing to do so is a huge damage loss.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.suggestions.missed-deathflares.why\\\": \\\"{0} DWTs with no Deathflare.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.dwt.title\\\": \\\"Dreadwyrm Trance\\\",\\n \\\"smn.egicommands.title\\\": \\\"Unexecuted Egi Commands\\\",\\n \\\"smn.gauge.aetherflow-action-at-0\\\": \\\"A cast of <0/> was recorded with an expected 0 Aetherflow stacks available.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.gauge.suggestions.lost-aetherflow.content\\\": \\\"Ensure you gain a full 2 stacks of Aetherflow per cast. Every lost stack is a significant potency loss.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.gauge.suggestions.lost-aetherflow.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# stack} other {# stacks}} of Aetherflow lost.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.missingdots.title\\\": \\\"Missing DoTs\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.garuda-st.content\\\": \\\"Garuda-Egi should only be used for AoE. Use Ifrit-Egi instead when only a single target is available, as it will deal more damage.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.garuda-st.why\\\": \\\"Garuda-Egi was attacking a single target {0}% of the time it was active.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.ifrit-aoe.content\\\": \\\"Ifrit-Egi should only be used for single target. Use Garuda-Egi instead when multiple targets are available, as it will deal more damage.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.ifrit-aoe.why\\\": \\\"Ifrit-Egi hit multiple targets with {0, plural, one {# use} other {# uses}} of <0/> or <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.no-pet.content\\\": \\\"Pets provide a <0>lot of SMN's passive damage, and are essential for <1/> procs and <2/>. Make sure you have a pet summoned at all times.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.no-pet.why\\\": \\\"No pet summoned for {noPetUptimePercent}% of the fight (<1% is recommended).\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.slipstream-ticks.content\\\": \\\"Ensure you use <0/> such that it can deal damage for its entire duration. Summoning another pet or recasting Slipstream will prevent any remaining ticks of a cast.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.slipstream-ticks.why\\\": \\\"{missedTicks, plural, one {# missed tick} other {# missed ticks}} of Slipstream.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.titan.content\\\": \\\"Titan-Egi generally should not be used in party content. Switch to Ifrit-Egi or Garuda-Egi instead.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.suggestions.titan.why\\\": \\\"{titanUptimePercent}% Titan-Egi uptime.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.pets.title\\\": \\\"Pets\\\",\\n \\\"smn.physick.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Do not cast <0/> in group content. The heal is too small to justify casting over a damaging GCD.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.physick.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"Physick was cast {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.physick.title\\\": \\\"Physick\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-ii.suggestions.avoid.content\\\": \\\"Avoid casting <0/> if possible. Prefer using your other instant casts for movement and weaving or Ruin III when movement and weaving are not required.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-ii.suggestions.avoid.why\\\": \\\"{totalCount} Ruin II {totalCount, plural, one {cast} other {casts}} were performed.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.bahamut.content\\\": \\\"Ensure you have 4 stacks of <0/> when summoning Bahamut. All 4 stacks will be needed to get the maximum value from Bahamut.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.bahamut.why\\\": \\\"Bahamut was summoned without enough stacks {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.leftover.content\\\": \\\"You should use all stacks of <0/> before the end of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.leftover.why\\\": \\\"{0} Further Ruin {1, plural, one {stack was} other {stacks were}} left unused at the end of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.lost.content\\\": \\\"Use Egi Assault skills in a way that will generate stacks of <0/>. Egi Assaults will not generate a stack if used against targets that die or become invincible or if a new pet is summoned before the assault is executed. Titan-Egi's <1/>does not generate a Further Ruin stack.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.lost.why\\\": \\\"{numberLost} Further Ruin {numberLost, plural, one {stack was} other {stacks were}} not generated.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.overage.content\\\": \\\"Do not use Egi Assault skills when already at the maximum number of <0/> stacks.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.ruin-iv.overage.why\\\": \\\"{0} Further Ruin {1, plural, one {stack was} other {stacks were}} lost.\\\",\\n \\\"smn.tridisaster.content\\\": \\\"Make sure <0/> is on cooldown before casting an ability that resets it (<1/> and <2/>) and before casting DoTs manually (with <3/> and <4/>)\\\",\\n \\\"smn.tridisaster.title\\\": \\\"Tri-disaster\\\",\\n \\\"smn.tridisaster.why\\\": \\\"Abilities were cast with Tri-disaster off cooldown {0, plural, one {# time} other {# times}}.\\\",\\n \\\"ui.loading.analysis\\\": \\\"Loading analysis\\\",\\n \\\"ui.loading.report\\\": \\\"Loading report\\\",\\n \\\"war.about.description\\\": \\\"<0>This analyser aims to identify some of the low-hanging fruit that could be used to improve your WAR gameplay, as well as give a deeper insight into what happened during an encounter.<1>If you notice anything that looks particularly wrong, please visit our Discord server and report it in the #support channel.\\\",\\n \\\"war.gauge.suggestions.loss.content\\\": \\\"Avoid letting your Beast Gauge overcap - the wasted resources may cost you uses of your spenders over the course of the fight.\\\",\\n \\\"war.gauge.suggestions.loss.why\\\": \\\"{0} beast gauge lost to an overcapped gauge.\\\",\\n \\\"war.gauge.title\\\": \\\"Beast Gauge\\\",\\n \\\"war.ir.suggestions.badgcd.content\\\": \\\"GCDs used during <0/> should be limited to <1/> for optimal damage (or <2/> if three or more targets are present).\\\",\\n \\\"war.ir.suggestions.missedgcd.content\\\": \\\"Try to land 5 GCDs during every <0/> window. If you cannot do this with full uptime and no clipping, consider adjusting your gearset for more Skill Speed.\\\",\\n \\\"war.ir.suggestions.trackedActions.content\\\": \\\"One use of <0/> and one use of <1/> should occur during every <2/> window.\\\",\\n \\\"war.ir.suggestions.trackedBadActions.content\\\": \\\"Using <0/> or <1/> inside of <2/> should be avoided at all costs. These abilities are guaranteed to be a critical direct hit, and make no use of <3/>'s benefits.\\\",\\n \\\"war.ir.title\\\": \\\"Inner Release\\\",\\n \\\"war.stormseye.checklist.description\\\": \\\"Storm's Eye increases your damage by 10%, a substantial part of a Warrior's damage.\\\",\\n \\\"war.stormseye.checklist.name\\\": \\\"Keep Storm's Eye Up\\\",\\n \\\"war.stormseye.checklist.uptime\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"war.suggestions.stormseye.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing <0/> significantly before its expiration as it may be costing you additional uses of <1/>.\\\",\\n \\\"war.suggestions.stormseye.why\\\": \\\"{0} reapplications that were {1} or more seconds before expiration.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.about.description\\\": \\\"\\\\nThis analyser aims to identify some of the low-hanging fruit that could be used to improve your WHM gameplay, as well as give a deeper insight into what happened during an encounter.\\\\n\\\\nIf you would like to learn more about WHM, check the guides over at [The Balance](https://thebalanceffxiv.com/), and have a chat in the #whm_questions channel.\\\\n\\\\nCurrently this module can track DoT uptime, note when your healing lily gauge is full, detect clipping, detect interrupted casts, and report about missed oGCD casts.\\\\n\\\\nHealing analysis can be very subjective - even if some of the below suggestions do not apply to you, they can help inform you about things you may have missed\\\\n\\\",\\n \\\"whm.dots.requirement.uptime-dia.name\\\": \\\"<0/> uptime\\\",\\n \\\"whm.dots.rule.description\\\": \\\"As a White Mage, <0/> is significant portion of your sustained damage. Aim to keep it up at all times.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.dots.rule.name\\\": \\\"Keep your DoTs up\\\",\\n \\\"whm.dots.suggestion.clip-dia.content\\\": \\\"Avoid refreshing Dia significantly before its expiration, this will allow you to cast more Glares.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.dots.suggestion.clip-dia.why\\\": \\\"An average of {0} of <0/> per minute lost to early refreshes.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.interrupts.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Avoid interrupting casts by either prepositioning yourself or utilizing slidecasting where possible. Use windows created by normal <0/> refreshes to move in advance of mechanics. When that's not an option, try to plan and utilize Afflatus actions to simultaneously heal wherever needed and cover movement. Overwriting Dia early should be your last resort for movement.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.lily-blood.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> to avoid wasting blood lily growth.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.lily-blood.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# blood lily} other {# blood lilies}} did not bloom due to early lily use.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.lily-cap.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> or <1/> before using other GCD heals. It's okay to cap your lilies if you don't need to heal, move, or weave with them.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.lily-cap.suggestion.why\\\": \\\"{0, plural, one {# lily} other {# lilies}} went unused.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.ogcds.suggestions.asylum.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> frequently in an encounter whenever party members will be close enough to stand in the bubble. For instances where members are frequently spread too far, Asylum can still be used for tank healing.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.ogcds.suggestions.divine_benison.content\\\": \\\"Weave <0/> as often as possible to minimize single target healing needed. However, it is not worth clipping to apply a benison. Do not hold Divine Benison for tank busters. Since Dia's duration is 30s, try to weave Divine Benison with every Dia that you don't have two more important weaves to execute.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.ogcds.suggestions.plenary_indulgence.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> when casting GCD AOE heals when the extra potency will reduce the amount of additional heals needed. Avoiding clipping to apply this, and only consider clipping if the additional healing will save subsequent a GCD heal cast.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.ogcds.suggestions.temperance.content\\\": \\\"Use <0/> often to mitigate incoming raid damage and boost GCD healing potency. Avoid clipping to apply it.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.ogcds.suggestions.why\\\": \\\"You missed about {missed} out of a possible {maxUses} casts.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.overheal.assize.name\\\": \\\"Assize\\\",\\n \\\"whm.overheal.hot.name\\\": \\\"Healing Over Time\\\",\\n \\\"whm.swiftcast.missed.suggestion.content\\\": \\\"Cast a spell with <0/> before it expires. This allows you to instantly cast spells with a cast times, such as <1/> for a quick revive, or <2/> for weaving.\\\",\\n \\\"whm.thinair.messages.explanation\\\": \\\"The main use of <0/> should be to save MP on high-MP cost phases of the fight. Don't be afraid to hold it and lose a use over the fight as long as it covers MP-heavy portions of the fight such as usages of <1/>, <2/>, and <3/>\\\",\\n \\\"whm.thinair.messages.no-casts\\\": \\\"No casts recorded for <0/>\\\",\\n \\\"whm.thinair.rotation.gcd\\\": \\\"{numGcds, plural, one {# GCD} other {# GCDs}}\\\",\\n \\\"whm.thinair.title\\\": \\\"Thin Air\\\"\\n}\";"],"sourceRoot":""}